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Jin looks up at me after reading the result. His expression is hard to read and me and Han are squeezing eachothers hands anxiously. "So Y/n sweetie. Erm, well. The test says positive." Jin says which makes me blackout. What can I do? What about my job? Am I going to be fired? Are the boys going to leave me? Will Hyunjin hate me? Wait... will Jungkook hate me? It must be his baby because he was the last person I did it with.

I'm brought back to reality when I felt someone squeezing me tightly. "Omg Y/n, what are you going to do about Chan? He cheated on you and you're pregnant." I hear Han say as Jin hugs me. I pull away from the hug. "I-i think I just need some time by myself. Please don't tell anyone. Especially Chan." I say to the boys. "Don't worry Y/n we won't." Han says as I head back to my room.

I get back to my room and sit on the end of my bed. I think about what the test said: pregnant. I sit and quietly cry to myself. I then feel some strong arms wrap around me. "Not now Kook." I say to him quietly inbetween sobs. He walks around so he is infront of me and gets down on his knees so I can see him while looking down. He holds my hand and gently rubs his thumb along it calming me down.

He sees me looking at him as if nothing else matters. "What's wrong with my baby? Did Chan do something to you because I will kill him. I promise you." he says making a small smile appear on my face. "I-I'm so so sorry Jungkook." I say to him and cry into my hands more. "You have nothing to be sorry about honey. Don't worry, I could never be angry at you." he says to me. "You will be angry Kook. I-i think I need to go and see Jackson first. I'm sorry Kookie." I say and snap my fingers and I'm down in hell.

I see Jackson and I run up to him and give him a massive hug while crying. "I'm so sorry Jackson. I don't know what to do." I say while hugging him. He let's go of me and holds my hands. "Y/n, you have nothing to be sorry about. It's part of life, you didn't expect it to happen. No matter what you do I always love you sis." he says and hugs me again. "Also I know that Jungkook is going to be a great father. He's going to be a handful aswell as your child." Jackson says making me giggle.

"Hopefully he or she gets the good genes like you did. I still don't know what to do because it will affect my career and I have a tour coming up and everything." I say to him worryingly "Don't worry, they will be able to hide it for a few months because you are really skinny and also you got the good genes not me sis." He says making me laugh again. We spend time together just talking and he makes me feel a lot better.

I look at my phone and realise it's already 6pm, I have been here since about 10 am. I didn't think that we had this much to talk about. "Thank you Jackson, I really needed this. Well I'm going to have to get going to the others. They are probably worried about me or something." I explain to him and say goodbye. I then arrive back in the hotel room surrounded by everyone.

All of straykids are giving me weird looks. "D-d-did you just appear out of n-nowhere?" Chanbin asks astonished. Oh shit I really fucked up this time. "No that's a funny joke though. I got Jungkook to distract you all while I snuck out of the bathroom and pretended to appear." I say trying to convince them. "Anyways do you guys want to go out for a drink?" Yoongi says breaking the silence. Everyone says okay except Han and Jin. "Y/n, I'll stay with you or we can go for a meal out with Jin hyung?" Han suggests to me.

I know they don't want me to go because I'm pregnant but can they make it any more obvious something is happening. "What's going on with you guys?" Hyunjin says loudly to us. "Nothing is going on Jinnie I just don't feel well so Jin and Han oppa are saying I shouldn't drink so I don't get even worse." I say trying to convince him. "That's a lie Y/n. Wait are you-" I quickly cut Hyunjin off "No I'm not. Don't even think about that you creep. Anyways I'm coming with you guys, I'll just make sure not to drink anything." I say smiling sweetly at Jin.

say less also sorry it was a really short chapter, i'll make it up with the next one :)))

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say less also sorry it was a really short chapter, i'll make it up with the next one :)))

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