~reunion pt.2~

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I turn around and see him standing staring at me. "Y-y/n? Is that really you? I've missed you so much. I'm so sorry for what I did to you, please can we forget about it?" he says to me. I stand up and walk towards him. "I can't forgive you Daniel, you fucked my life up and you think I will forgive you this easily?" I say to him quietly. "At least introduce me to your new boyfriends." he says laughing. I walk back to the table and he follows me. "This is Daniel, we don't like him though. He will be going now." I say to the boys in Korean. "Why do we not like him?" Jimin asks me curiously. "I'll explain to you later with the others." I tell him.

I look back and he's still standing here. "Why are you still here Daniel? Can you go away I want to see people that actually care about me and my feelings." I say to him sharply. "I do care about you Y/n you were my best girlfriend. Can you not remember how much fun we had together? You used to love me." he says sweetly to me. "Please just go, I don't want to do something stupid in front of my friends and boyfriend." I explain to him. "So, you're Y/n's new friends? How has she been, I hope she's back to her funny old self." Josh says to the boys and Chan translates what they don't understand. "Yes, I'm her best friend. She's very niceu and funny." Hyunjin tries his best to say.

I laugh at the boys trying to speak English. "Chan baby, do you want to come and meet my other bestfriend?" I say to him "Of course I will. We won't be long so don't do anything stupid." Chan says the last part to the boys. "Ok I'll see you later then Y/n." Daniel says while walking away. I hold Chans hand and lead him to a table that is filled with girls.

I got their attention "Hi guys, how is everyone? Anyways I was hoping I can talk to Ruby?" I say to them "Hi Y/n, we miss you so much. You've done so good compared to the rest of us." one of the girls say and we all laugh. Ruby stands up and walks towards me. "What do you want?" she says to me sternly. "Erm, hi? I just wanted to talk to my bestfriend." I say confused. "Well I don't know where they are, but it's not me. Anyways who is this hot boy?" she says looking at Chan. "Hi I'm Chris, I'm Y/n's boyfriend." he says in his thick australian accent causing all of the girls to stare at him. "Oh, you're with her. Anyways how's your new bestie?" she says towards me while I can hear all of the girls taking about Chan.

I turn around to face Chan "Baby, you can go back to the boys if you want? I'm sure Jinnie is probably annoying Tae and the other boys will be eating too much." I say to him and suddenly my phone starts to ring. I quickly answer it.

*phone call*

Me: Hello? Oppa, why did you call?

Jin: Could you please ask Kookie where he put the lyrics he wrote for the new song?

Me: I'm kinda busy at the moment Oppa, why didn't you call him?

Jin: Do you not think I already tried that? That boy is useless.

Me: I'll get him to call you, Okay?

Jin: Thank you, also how is the reunion going?

Me: bad, anyways see you soon.

Jin: Okay princess, I'll see you soon.

*end of call*

I turn to Chan "Baby, get Kookie to call Jin aswell, he's in big trouble." I say giggling and then Chan walks back to the others. "So, Y/n your boyfriend is so hot. He looks really fit aswell, I bet he has nice abs." some of the girls say to me. I smile and nod and then turn back to Ruby. "Why are you acting like this? What happened to my sweet bestie?" I ask her. "Maybe your bestie was left and forgotten about. You didn't even have enough time to call me." she says angrily to me.

I look at her and hold her hand "I'm so sorry Ruby, I tried to call you but you changed your number and I didn't forget about you. Training to be an idol is really tiring and it's hard to do much when I live in a house with boys who know everything that I do." I explain to her. "I'm sorry Y/n I didn't know. Can we just be friends again?" she says to me and I pull her in for a hug to say yes.

"Do you want to come and meet my bestfriend and bts' maknae line?" I say to her and her face lights up. "Jimin, V and Jungkook are here?" She screams loudly causing everyone to look at us. "Could you have said that any louder? and yes they are." I say to her getting her to be quiet. I lead her back to the table where the boys are.

We walk up to the table and I see Chan and Jk having an arm wrestle match. "Why are you guys like this?" I say while giggling at them causing them to look at us. "Oh, this is Ruby my bestfriend." I say to them and I see Hyunjin pouting "Sorry Jinnie." I say to him making him pout more. "Nice to meet you." Tae says to her and stands up to shake her hand. He shakes it and bows politely. "You don't have to bow here." I say to the boys quickly. The other boys say hello and we sit down with the boys. Then Ruby quickly answers her phone, she ends the call and quickly says goodbye and then leaves. I wonder what that was about.

I turn back to the boys after her leaving. "Erm Y/n, you have another friend here." Jk says making me turn back around. "Hey princess it's been years since I've seen my gorgeous girl." he says and I can see that Chan is getting annoyed. "Sam how many times do I have to tell you that we were never dating. Also stop calling me princess, it's disgusting." I say to him rudely. "How's Jackson doing? I miss my best friend." he says to me. "He's doing fine, anyways what do you want?" I ask him. "Well I just wanted to say hi. Anyways who are these boys?" he asks me and I introduce them.

He looks intimidated "So I should be going now? Rosé is waiting for me." he says quickly. "Wait, she's already dating someone." I say in confusion. "They broke up the other day and she moved back here. I fell in love with her." he replies to me. "Jackson would hate you for dating her. I'm disappointed in you." I say to him sadly. "Jackson wouldn't hate me anyways what's wrong with her?" he asks me.

"She's our cousin. She's a bitch. She's a slut. Do you need me to say anything else?" I say to him sharply making him look angry. "Don't say that about her. Anyways you are the slut, remember how many boys you used to date and sleep with." he says making me upset. "Don't call her that. Also piss off." Chan says angrily to him and he storms off.

I turn back to the boys looking upset. "What did he say Y/n? I won't let him talk about my bestie." Hyunjin says to me angrily. "It's nothing, it doesn't matter. Anyways can we go back now?" I ask and they say okay. We head back to the hotel.

Oh my my my

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Oh my my my...

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