~whats going on?~

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His face drops as I say it. "I-i didn't know that." he says shocked. I just stand there and laugh. "Johnny, you don't have to do anything because we both know you will regret it. Mark won't do anything if you don't." I say to him in a calming voice. "He said h-he would kill my little sister. Y/n I can't deal with that happening." he says to me with tears in his eyes. He is distracted right now so I quickly teleport to him and take my necklace and put it back on.

I laugh as he realises what has happened "Did I catch you off guard?" I say laughing at him. He stares at me. "You bitch!" he shouts while trying to attack me. He punches me and kicks me, I just let him do it to get rid of his anger as it doesn't hurt me at all. "Now get out before I hurt you. Or before Nct looses another member." I say sternly and he runs out of the room.

I walk to the boys and enter the room. They are all sitting in silence but Jk notices me and realises I'm wearing my necklace. "Thank god you're okay!" he says and gets up and runs and gives me a big hug. The other boys all start to look happier. Suddenly my arm starts burning 'Princess, are you alright? I'm sorry that Josh wasn't there to help. He's kinda busy? Well doing his own stuff. Anyways come and see me soon.' I read to myself. I look up and realise I need to answer the message.

I look around where I am "Does anyone have anything sharp?" I say making the boys confused. "Why do you need something sharp?" Minho asks me "Because I just need to cut something. Okay Minho?" I say back to him. "I have this compass, I found it in your pencil case." Hobi says and throws it to me. "Okay well, I'll be back in a minute." I say as I walk to the bathroom. 'I'm fine don't worry Jackson, also Josh must be having fun. Anyways I'm on holiday. I'll see you when I get back.' I write back on my arm with the compass.

I walk back out into the main part of the room where all of the boys are. "Why do you have cuts on your arm Y/n?" Hyunjin says to me concerned. "It's nothing Jinnie, anyways Kookie can I go and lie down in your room? I have bad cramps." I say to Jk. "Okay princess, I'll come and I'll get you whatever you need." he says back to me sweetly. "Are you going to let him do that Chan?" Han says loudly making everyone look at Chan.

"Why wouldn't I?" Chan says back to Han. "Because she's your girlfriend and another boy is really close to her and it seems like they are dating." Han says angrily to Chan which annoys me. "For fuck sake Han, he's her brother." Chan says making the rest of straykids confused. "O-oh I-i'm sorry I d-didn't know." he says to me in a sad tone.

I just giggle and grab Jks wrist and lead him to his room. We walk inside and I lock the door behind us. We both sit down on his bed. "What's wrong with my baby?" he asks me in a cute voice. "Kookie, do you have any paracetamol?" I ask him and he comes back with some and I take it with some water. "Are you alright princess? Me, Tae and Jimin are worried about our lil sis." he says while hugging me. "I just have bad cramps. Anyways, I need a shower." I say to him and his face lightens up. "Can I shower with you princess?" he asks me with his bunny smile. "Only if you don't do anything that would get us in trouble with Chan. Okay Kookie?" I say.

I head towards his bathroom and can feel him following me. We both get in the shower and I lock the door behind us.

*I.n's pov*

Y/n and Jungkook have just went back to my room. "So do you guys wanna go and get some food?" Namjoon says to us all. "Food? Did someone mention food!" Changbin says excitedly. "I will go and get my stuff and I'll ask Y/n and Jungkook if they want to come. I'll be as quick as I can." I say to my hyungs. "Be careful when you go in Jeongin." Tae says while giggling. "What do you mean hyung?" I ask him curiously. "Just incase someone is getting changed or something" he says to me mischievously. I head out and back to my room.

The door is locked, good thing I brought my key card with me. I quietly open the door expecting them to be asleep but instead I hear the shower running and hear some weird noises. I walk to the bathroom and knock on the door loudly. "Hyung! We are going to get some food soon. Also do you know where Y/n is, I'll ask her to come aswell." I shout through the door. "O-oh it's you I.n, I won't be too long. Also Y/n just went to the store to buy some girl things! When she's back we will come back to Jins room!" He shouts back to me through the door. "Okay bye hyung." I say and quickly grab my stuff and walk back to the others slightly disturbed.

I walk in and sit down on the edge of the bed. "What's wrong Innie?" Minho asks me while patting my hair. "I-i heard some weird noises while Jungkook was having a shower." I say still shocked by what happened. "Where is Y/n then Innie?" Hyunjin asks me in a weird tone. "She's getting some girl stuff from the store. Jk said that when she gets back they will come back to the room." I say which makes everyone stare at me. Did I do something wrong?

 Did I do something wrong?

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woaw look at these sexy maknaes looking their best

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woaw look at these sexy maknaes looking their best

Stepbrothers~Maknae line {currently editing}Where stories live. Discover now