~the test~

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I don't know what to do or who to believe. It breaks my heart that Chan would do this to me. "Y/n, I think you should go to bed." I hear someone say to me. I don't care about them anymore I just need to know if it's true. I look back in time where the boys were at the restaurant/bar. Then I see it, he kissed another girl. I thought he wouldn't be like other boys.

I come back to reality and see the others looking at me weirdly. "H-he did it." I say with my voice breaking. "Come on princess come to eomma. Let's go back to your room and cuddle." Jin says to me while stroking my cheek. "Yes pls oppa." I say back to him when I suddenly feel sick and rush to the bathroom.

I throw up in the toilet and feel the worst I've ever felt. I don't know what's going on. I go to stand up but feel light headed. I finally stand up and walk back into the room. "I-I'm just g-gonna go b-back to m-my room." I say while walking towards the door when I feel someone grab my wrist. "Wait princess I'll come and look after you." I hear Tae saying. "It's fine thank you oppa, I just need to have some sleep I think." I say back to him and head back to my room.

I lie down on my bed and fall asleep in a few minutes not realising Jk was sleeping behind me. I wake up to the strong smell of alcohol and wanting to throw up again. I feel someone hugging me and quickly wiggle out of their grip and sprint to the bathroom being sick once again. I really don't know what's going on but I hope it isn't anything bad. I walk back into the room and see Kookie look like he's dying.

I walk over to him with my hangover kit. I hand it over to him and he takes some of the pills and some of the coffee shot. "Kookie you need to try and have a shower or have a bath sweetie." I say sweetly to him and he sits up on the bed. "Okay princess, thank you. I'll go now." he says going to the bathroom with his fresh clothes and a towel.

I decide to go and see Jin because maybe he might have an idea of what it is. I walk to his room and knock loudly on the door. Han opens the door and looks really hot while he has just woken up. "Hey Y/n, what can I help you with?" he asks me with his sexy raspy morning voice. "I just came to see Jin, you look very hot today though Hannie." I say to him making his ears turn red. "T-thank you and come in. Jin is just in his bed reading a book for some reason." he says to me and I walk into the room.

Jin looks up from his book and realises that I'm in the room. "There's my princess Y/n, now what can I do for you honey?" he asks me with a big smile making me giggle. I sit down on the end of his bed. "I don't feel well and I keep throwing up. I don't know what's wrong." I explain to him but then need to throw up again. I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet quickly and walk back out to see the boys both sitting in their beds.

I sit down next to Jin on his bed and smell a strong scent of cologne. "Jin how much cologne do you use?" I ask him while coughing at the smell. "I don't even use much, Han can't even smell it can you Hannie?" Jin asks the boy sitting in his bed. "N-no I can't smell anything. It's a really weak one." Han says back to Jin. "Wait, Y/n. You're having morning sickness and your senses are becoming stronger. You don't think you are-" I cut him off "No Jin I'm not. It's just a cold or something. I'm sure I'll be fine soon." I say sharply back to him.

He is sitting looking at me with big eyes saying 'really?'. "We will have to make sure Y/n, let's go to the store and get some things." he says to me which makes me roll my eyes at him. "I'm confused, what's happening?" Han asks me in confusion. "Jin thinks I'm pregnant. He's going to get a pregnancy test and also some ice cream from the store." I explain to Han who just looks shocked at what I have just said.

I look back at Jin who is now getting ready so I climb into his bed. "Oppa take Joon with you. Hannie is going to stay here with me." I say to Jin while getting comfy in the bed. "Why do you think I know what test to get? Also what if any of my fans saw me buying a pregnancy test?" he says back to me in a stern voice. "It would be worse if someone saw me buying one. I'll just get Josh to bring them." I say and pick up my phone. I dial in his number and ring it.

*on the phone*
(in english)

Me: Hi Joshy, I have a favour I need you to do.

Josh: What kind of favour missy?

Me: Just get something's from the store for me please.

Josh: Okay what do you need and I'll go and bring it to you now?!

Me: Erm a pregnancy test and some ice cream and chocolate.


Me: Calm down Josh, now hurry up please. Jin wants me to do the test.

Josh: Okay I'll be about 10 minutes and what kind of pregnancy test?

Me: Just get a couple please. The most expensive ones and I'll pay you back.

Josh: Okay I'll be as quick as I can

*end of call*

I look up and see the boys both confused. "He's going to be about 10 minutes." I explain to them. "Okay that's great." Jin replies to me "Now get out of my bed, I want to be warm again." Jin says to me in a cute voice. "Fine I'll just cuddle Han instead." I say and get into Hans bed with him and cuddle him. "You're so cute Y/n" Han says to me making me blush. We are then interrupted by a knock on the door.

Jin opens the door and he sees Josh. He tries his best to speak English "H-hello, come in." he says in his best English accent. Josh runs in and hands me a bag with everything I asked for. "Thank you Joshy. Also I don't know if Jackson told you but Chan cheated on me." I say to him making myself sad again. "I know missy. Don't worry, I told Jackson to back off. Also I heard about yours and Jimins little argument." he says to me. "Oh okay, anyways thank you so much and I'll give you the money back later. Your the best friend ever" I say and give him a hug before he leaves to go back home.

I sit down at the end of Jins bed and look up at him. "Can you guys stay with me until I get the answer?" I ask the boys and they says okay while smiling. I stand up and go to the bathroom and take the test. It says it should take 5 minutes to show the results. I walk out of the bathroom and sit at the end of the bed. "So?" Han asks me cutely. "It should tell me the results in a few minutes." I tell them. "Oppa can you look at the results first please?" I ask Jin softly. "Of course princess." he says and ruffles my hair. I hand him the test facing down and he turns it over and looks at the results.

He suddenly speaks up to me and Han who are sitting in silence "It says...

He suddenly speaks up to me and Han who are sitting in silence "It says

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