~explain youself~

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*I.n pov*

I open the door and this time it is Hyunjin. He looks really worried. I step outside the room into the hall after closing the door. "W-what happened?" he asks me in a concerned voice "That's what we need to find out. We need to go to Chan hyung now." I say to him and we start to walk to Changbins room. I open the door and find out he's not in there. We knock on all the boys rooms until we found him in Jins room. The boys all look at us weirdly. All of the boys are in here except from Jk. I walk up to Chan and slap him across the face "You're a dickhead Chan. You've broken her heart." I shout at him making all of the boys confused at what I was talking about.

He sits down on the bed as if nothing has just happened. "Did you not hear me hyung?" I say to him "I don't know what you are talking about Innie." he says back to me. "You fucking cheated on her." I say angrily at him. "What the fuck? I didn't." he says back in a stern tone. "Well someone has told her that you did." I say to him and everyone else in the room is a mixture of angry and confusion. "I swear to god Bangchan if you did anything to hurt her you will literally never talk to any of us again." Jimin says angrily at him "I don't know why it has anything to do with you Jimin. Anyways I didn't do anything." he says which I can see is making Jimin worse. "It has everything to do with me because she's my-" Jimin was cut of by Jin "If you didn't do anything then why would she be so upset?" he asked. The room was silent for a moment.

"It's my fault. I told her that you fucked Changbin. I'm sorry hyung." Felix says as everyone is staring at him. "Felix what the fuck are you talking about? I've never fucked Chan. I'm straight." Changbin says to Felix angrily. "Well the other week I heard some weird noises coming from your room and I heard moaning." he says to Changbin. I don't know what's happening if i'm honest. "You stupid kid. That was Chan and Y/n fucking. Do I sound like a girl when I moan?" Changbin says in disgust. "That would be kinda hot though" Yoongi says and Jin punches him hard. "Chan you should go and explain to Y/n what happened. But be careful Jungkook is with her." I say to him and he storms out of the room. "My poor baby Y/n went through all of that because of Felix being stupid." Jimin says to his hyungs. "Mochi it's fine, she's a strong girl. She doesn't need us to do everything for her all the time." Tae says back and they have a hug.

*end of pov*

Jungkook has just came into the room and is hugging my tightly. I tell him everything that Felix told me and I stand up to stretch. He sits up on the bed and pulls me down onto his lap. We cuddle closely and I bury my face into his chest and keep giving him little kisses on his neck. "I love you Kookie." I say to him and he hugs me tighter "I love you too sweetie." he says back to me. We then both are shocked when we hear a cough behind us. "Y/n, what Felix told you is a mistake. He thought that when you were over at ours and we fucked, he though that it was me and Changbin. I'm so sorry that he's that stupid. B-but it looks like you already moved on. I knew something was going on." Chan says to me as I see tears forming in his eyes.

I run up to him and give him a hug "I'm sorry Channie, I don't know why I believed him. Also there's nothing going on with me and Jungkook. I promise baby." I say to him and tighten my grip. "B-but you just said you love him. Don't lie to me please, I love you too much Y/n. I don't want to breakup." he says and I see tears falling. I wipe up his tears "I'm going to tell you something but you can't tell anyone. Understand?" I say to him and he nods and I sit him down on the bed next to me and Jk. "Are you sure you trust him?" Jk asks me and I nod my head.

I hold Chans hand and start explaining "Baby, there's nothing going on with me and Jungkook. He's my brother." I say and he looks at us in shock. "You don't look that similar, oh wait yes I see some similarities. Why didn't you tell me earlier baby?" he asks me and I'm confused because me and Jk aren't even blood related. "Well no one is supposed to know about it, but Hyunjin already knows. We both use fake surnames, our real is Kim and Jimins fake is Park and mine is Lee." I explain to him everything in detail.

He looks back at me and hugs me tightly again "I'm so sorry that I didn't believe you and I hope this doesn't make any difference?" he asks me and I nod. We both pull in for a deep kiss forgetting Jk is there. "Ewwww at least give me warning before you start tongueing eachother." he says which causes us to break apart. "Kookie, you watch porn. This isn't nearly as bad as that shit." I say causing him to storm out of the room.

that was eventful

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that was eventful

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