~the end~

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I woke up from a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Kookie baby." I say gently. "It's not Jungkook, it's someone much better." I hear Jackson say. "Jackson what do you want?" I say as I sit up. "Well Jk asked me to come and get you because Kai is here." he says to me which makes me excited. I quickly get up and run downstairs to see Kai in the living room with the others.

It's nice having all these friends but also annoying that all of my old friends that were girls used me to get close to bts. That's why I don't have many friends that are girls now. I walk into the room and see Jungkook asleep and Tae drawing on his face. "Awww my baby fell asleep. Taehyung you're doing great work." I say to Tae. I then walk over and see Kai, Minho, Jeongin and Yoongi all playing with Junseo.

"You guys are all too cute." I say to them while admiring them. "You just had to make the cutest baby didn't you?" Yoongi asks me making me giggle. I then walk to the kitchen and start to make some dinner for everyone. Straykids have just left for rehearsal and so has Kai so it's just me, bts, Jackson and Junseo left.

I put all of the food out on the dining table and get the boys from the living room. They are all fast asleep. "Wake up sleepy heads." I say as I wake them all up. We all go to the dining room and start eating the food. "So Jackson how are you dealing with all the girls so far?" Namjoon asks him. "It feels good but it's a bit stressful so far." he says back to him.

"When are you guys going to get married?" Jin asks me and Jk making me nearly choke on my food. "M-married? We are only 20 oppa." I say back to Jin. "You have a child now though, you have already started your family and I know that Jungkook wants more children." he says to us. "Hyung, you didn't have to say that. Also we will get married when we feel like the time is right." Jk says back to Jin. This makes me wonder if he will ever propose to me, I'm ready to get married but I don't think Jk is.

"Seriously Y/n? I think your wish could come true soon." Jackson says. I forgot he could also read minds. "Jackson go away please, I could easily read yours aswell but I know ur probably thinking about nasty things." I retaliate to him. The boys are just confused. "Erm well we have a dance practice later." Jin says easing the tension. "Me too." Jackson adds. "I guess me and Junseo are having a day of sleeping." I say giggling to myself.

Jk looks up at me and we make eye contact. "I still have a few weeks off of work so I might take Junseo up to the beach house for a few nights." I say to the others as me and Jungkook break eye contact.

*time skip*

The boys all finally got home after another hard day at work and me and Junseo are lying down on the sofa. I keep making him giggle by making silly faces and tickling his little feet. "There's my baby boy." I hear Jungkook say as the others follow behind him. I quickly sit up and place Junseo in my lap facing Jk. "D-d-a-d-a" Junseo says slowly. *He's now 6 months old btw*

Jungkooks face lights up "Did you just hear that? He said Dada!" Jungkook says while celebrating. I watch his reaction making me really happy. "He's already so big, he's nearly the size of Jimin." Namjoon teases Jimin. "I'm not even that small." Jimin says and punches Namjoons arm lightly making Junseo laugh at them. "How was work today?" I ask them. "It was good except your boyfriend 'accidentally' lifted his t-shirt up on the jumps." Yoongi says making me laugh.

I know Army will love it. I scroll through my phone until I hear Junseo crying. "What did you guys do?" I say to the boys and they all look away. I pick Junseo up and take him upstairs for him to have a nap. I place him in his cot and walk back downstairs. I sit on Jungkooks lap and cuddle into him. "I love you so much Kookie." I say and cuddle him tighter. "Baby, you're going to cause some problems in a minute if you keep doing this stuff." he says to me making me giggle.

I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a passionate kiss. It's full of passion and love until we pull away. "Eww you do realise we are still here don't you?" I hear Tae say. I put my middle finger up to him. I don't care because I have my Jungkookie and our amazing son.

I guess that's it for a bit 😁

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I guess that's it for a bit 😁

Stepbrothers~Maknae line {currently editing}Where stories live. Discover now