~Day of debut~

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*time skip*

Today was the day that your brothers and their friends were debuting as 'bts'. (pls pretend that it's like a year ago because of all of the photos). It was 7am and they all needed to get up. You go and wake them up one by one.

Now Yoongi was the only one left asleep. You walk into his room and say "Yoongi oppa, you need to wake up. It's your debut day!". He sits up and looks at you "I'm scared Y/n, what if no one likes us. What if everyone makes fun of my rapping? I'm just scared." he said to me looking sad. This was the first time he had opened up to me. "Yoongi, first of all I know that you're going to have so many fans because of you're rapping skills and no one will make fun of you Yoongi, or should I say Suga? Because you are one of the most talented rappers I know, apart from Namjoonie and Hobi." you say to him giggling.

He gives you a hug and says "Thank you Y/n, also if you tell anyone that I was scared or hugged you then you won't be able to live another day. Understand?" he says in a stern voice. "There's my Suga back to normal, anyway get ready. I'm making you guys breakfast." you then leave the room.

Everyone is ready and comes downstairs and starts eating in silence. "Guys it's now 10am, you need to get going for a last rehearsal and I'll be in the front row cheering for you at 1pm!" they all say goodbye and left.

*jungkooks pov*

I'm so scared that I'm going to mess this up for my Hyungs. I've been practicing so much and I've even been warming my voice up all morning. I really hope nothing bad goes wrong and also because I don't want to not have any fans.

I heard our manager come into the room "Bts, I'm so proud that you guys have came this far to debut, I want you to give it your best and just try to have fun! Anyways you need to go on stage now!" he says bringing us all into the wings.

We are in the middle of the song and I saw Y/n cheering us, this gave me a lot more energy and I went even harder.

The performance was over and we already had about 300 fans from our performance. I saw Y/n running up to us as we are all sitting on the sofas sweating. "Guys, you were so good! I'm so proud of you all! Also I didn't know little Kookie could be so sexy I thought he was a little innocent bunny." she said giggling at me. "Yah~ Y/n remember I'm older then you and thank you, seeing you cheering gave me the energy to keep going!" We all thanked her and then went home.

*end of pov*

We had just got home after the boys had debuted. They had done so well I am so proud of them. I was making a lot of their favourite foods. They all were having showers. I had finished making the food and heard footsteps hurrying downstairs. "What's that delicious smell?" they all shouted and then saw me plating their favourite foods. They looked so happy and all sat down and started eating.

"I'm so proud of you guys and you all did a great job, Yoongi oppa you did amazing aswell" you whispered the last part to him and he kissed you on the cheek as a response. "Are you excited to start as a trainee Y/n?" Jimin asked me. I had totally forgot about that. "Oh yeah, my manager said that I start tomorrow. Thank to my amazing Jinnie oppa!" I said to them giggling. "Y/n I thought you were going to see your 'boyfriend' tomorrow to talk to him, I mean you can just go after practice but remember we still have school on monday!" Tae says to me in a serious tone. We all finished and went to bed.

I woke up and it's 7am, I need to get ready for my first day of being a trainee.

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