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I go to hug him but he's gone. I then remember that the boys are upstairs. I run up the stairs as fast as i can and into my bedroom. I go to my secret room and open it. I see the boys all sitting staring at me. "I-i'm sorry that you guys had to see that." I say to them. They all stand up and hug me. "It's fine Y/n, just as long as everything is okay." Jimin says to me. "Yes mochi don't worry everything is okay, mom just won't know who I am for a few days. Also is there any chance that you could move the holiday to start tomorrow instead?" I ask while sitting on the sofa next to them. They all look at eachother in excitement.

"Of course we will princess, now everyone leave I want to talk to my baby sis!" Jungkook says and everyone stares at us. "Only as long as you guys don't have sex again." Jin says making me blush "Oppa, stop talking about it." I say to Jin. "You guys weren't the quietest in the shower you know. I could hear you moaning when I was looking for Kook." he says laughing. "Hyung, why did you have to say it infront of the others!" Jk argues back. "To see their reactions, anyways we will go and sort out the holiday and talk to the other boys if you still want them to come?" He asks me "Of course, I want my bestfriend to come with me. Also, can you guys please tell me where it is?" I say and Jin opens his mouth to respond but my brother decided I needed to visit him.

"Jackson what do you want?" I say to him angrily "That's no way to greet your oppa is it? Anyways I heard that you were talking to Josh earlier?" he asks me. "Ok sorry oppa, and yes I was" I answer him. "He's a good boy you know Y/n, I would prefer him over Jungkook. You know next time you see him. Anyways I just wanted to see my baby sister, especially after everything that happened with mum." he says laughing at the last part.

"Okay Jackson please can I go now, my boyfriend is supposed to be arriving soon." I say impatiently. "He's 20 minutes away, don't worry princess. Anyways you may only be my half sister, but I still care about you like i'm your full brother. I don't want to be an uncle soon. Okay?" he says to me. "Don't worry Oppa, we use protection. Well we will now." I say and hug him. "I love you." I say to him quietly "I love you too sis" he says back to me. Then he clicks his fingers and I'm back on earth.

I landed in Jungkooks lap. "Oh erm sorry Kookie" I say and go to stand up but he grips my waist forcing me to stay. "Anyways the boys are 20 minutes away also don't mention anything to Chan please Oppas" I say the last part while doing puppy eyes and pouting. "Okay sis, but you two aren't allowed to do anything else because remember she has a boyfriend Kookie. Anyways hyungs let's go." Tae says and they all leave the room. Jungkook turns me around so that I'm facing him.

"Kookie, we can't do anything else." I say while playing with his hair. "Do I need excuses to cuddle my little sister now? Anyways what did Jackson want?" he asks me "Oh he was just asking me about Josh, the person I was on the phone to. Don't worry Kookie it was nothing bad, now straykids should be here soon so we should probably go downstairs so no one is suspicious of us." I say and stand up. I look down to him to try and help him up and he has put a pillow over his area. "Oh well Kookie, you can only get out of here with my handprint. So I'll just go into the recording booth, when you're finished just come and get me." I say and he nods while blushing.

I go to the recording booth and start to listen to some beats that I've made and start to write some lyrics. I then feel some eyes burning into my back. "Hi Kookie, let me finish this line and then I'll be out." I say and quickly finish the line. "Okay are you ready to go Y/n?" he says to me and holds my hand as we walk downstairs. We walk into the living room and no one is there. Jk sits down and I lie on the sofa resting my head on his lap. "Y/n, we are here!" I hear Hyunjin shouting. I quickly sit up. "Where's the others? I wanted to talk to Jimin Hyung. He's very funny and his laugh is really cute." Lee Know says and the rest of straykids come into the room and sit on the sofas. "They are just sorting some things out at the moment, they won't be long hopefully." Jk says back to the other boys.

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