~school reunuion~

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Jungkook just stormed out of the room, his own room. "Come on baby, let's go back to the others. We need to discuss plans for today." Chan says to me making me proud of the leader that he is. "Okay baby, let's go." I say and hold his hand as we walk back to Namjoons room. We enter and everyone is looking at me, not much new. "Omg princess, did he hurt you? Are you alright?" Jimin asks me quickly. "Oppa, he didn't hurt me Felix was just stupid and yes I'm alright but it looks like Kookie isn't." I say to him giggling a bit to seeing Jungkook sitting with his arms crossed and pouting.

I walk over to him and give him a hug "Come on Kookie, I didn't mean to make you annoyed." I say to him while hugging him. "I don't care.You shouldn't have said anything. I don't like how you knowing I watch it." he says making me giggle at the last part. I crouch down and look up at him "Kookie, it's your fault remember I was just trying to help you with your school work and I walked in on you watching it. Also I had to walk in on you and Yeri-" he cuts me off "Yah! Y/n, that's was years ago. You promised not to tell anyone." he says while giving me puppy eyes. "Are you two finished or are we going to be stuck in here all day?" Han says loudly. We both look up to him and nod.

The room is quiet again until Chan speaks "Okay so today is for everyone to do whatever you want." he says in a calming voice. "Okay well I'm going to visit some of my old friends. I definitely want Chan, Jk Tae and Jimin to come." I say to the others "Do we not matter to you?" Minho says as he pretends to wipe away a tear. "I'm coming. I need to meet some of the people who you are so fond of." Hyunjin says. I nod and say that's okay. "Yah what about me Y/n? I was your first hookup." Yoongi says proudly and everyone looks at him in shock. "I have never hooked up with you Yoongi, the only thing I've done with any of you guys was when I had to kiss Jin oppa in spin the bottle." I say giggling and everyone looks like the stress is gone about Yoongi. "That's not the only thing you've done Y/n." he says back to me in a mischievous tone.

I give him a dirty look "Please explain Yoongi hyung." Seungmin says which makes most of the boys laugh. "Okay well she gave Tae a blowjob, she fucked-" I quickly cut him off before he can say Jungkook. "Oppa, stop it now. And to think I used to like you the most." I say to him and look away playfully in disgust. "Me? hahaha did you guys hear that?" he says to my brothers and the other boys. "Anyways it's settled, there is a high school reunion. I only was there for 2 years before I had to leave for Korea." I say sadly. "But if you didn't come to Korea then you wouldn't be famous, you wouldn't have met us, you wouldn't have had such a sexy camera roll and you would be normal." Hobi says to me while giggling. "Okay Oppa, anyways guys get ready, we need to look good because I haven't seen them in years." I say to my oppas.

Me and Chan walk back to our room and start to look through our wardrobe. "How about this baby?" he asks me while holding a suit out. I imagine him in the outfit. "Of course baby but make sure you don't show ur arms too much. They are so muscly and sexy." I say to him while stroking his muscles. I look through the wardrobe while he gets ready. I finally find something and get changed into it.

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