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I have now met all of the rest of the members in my brothers band. They all seem to be friendly but I quickly need to quickly get something out of my locker so I quickly leave the guys for a bit.

*Taehyungs pov*

"So guys what do you think of our stepsister?" I ask my friends with excitement. "Well I think that she seems very nice and caring, but also did you not tell her to roll her skirt down Taehyung she is your little sister and you know what some of these boys are like!" Jin replies sounding more like a mom then my friend. "Well I think that you guys are very lucky to have such a sexy sister! Did you see that ass Namjoon?" Suga says grinning.

Namjoon just looks down and coughs before replying "She seems sweet and will look after you guys." which makes me and my brothers look at eachother and smile but I realise Hobi hasn't said anything yet. "What do you think Hobi?" I ask him. "She seems nice, I'm happy as long as you guys are." he replies making me smile. We then just go on to talk about practice and stuff.

*end of pov*

I'm currently walking to my locker which Jimin had shown me to earlier and I suddenly feel someone pushing me against the lockers. "What do you think you're doing with my boyfriend?" an annoying voice asks me. I just stare at her in confusion

"What are you going on about?" I reply making her slap me. "Back off. Jungkook is mine. Wendy and Irene follow me before I slap this worthless bitch again." She walks away with her rats screaming "Yeri wait for us!"

I just get my stuff and then head back to the guys, does it look like I'm going to care what one silly girl is saying to me?

As soon as I walk back up to the guys, Tae pulls me into a hug making me confused. "Are you okay? Who hit you?" Jin asks me concerned. "Nothing happened don't worry." I simply reply. "Your cheek is bright red Hyeri, it's obvious you've been slapped." Hobi says making me roll my eyes.

"It was just this Yeri girl annoyed at me for hanging out with her boyfriend and then was saying Jk is hers or something?" I simply explain. "I swear I'm not dating her. I just fuck her once in a while. Hyeri don't worry we will tell her to fuck off." Jk says making me laugh slightly.

"I am very capable of looking at looking after myself don't worry. It's more fun to tease her instead, she didn't hurt me so let's mindfuck her." I say smirking. They just look quite annoyed about the fact someone has slapped me.

"Hyeri, you know if you ever need anyone to take your anger out on I'm here baby." Yoongi says smirking making me smile slightly. "I'm sure Hyeri has better taste than dating you Yoongi." Tae quickly responds, and Jk pulls me to sit in his lap as he put some ointment on my face to stop it being so red.

I then spit Yeri and her friends in the corner of my eye so I just play with Jks hair as he carefully applies the ointment to my cheek, being careful not to hurt me.

"As much as you two look very comfortable, we have to get back to class now." Namjoon says so I quickly stand up and Jk holds my hand and leads me back to our classroom after saying goodbye to the guys.

All lesson, we talk about eachother and his friends. It seems like they are almost like brothers and I'm glad that he has people that care about him so much.

Korean class has now finally ended, lasting what felt like forever. We leave the class excited that I managed to get through my first day. Jk went to go and find the guys whilst I went to my locker, and he said he will be there in 5.

I'm just minding my own business just thinking about what food I'm going to have later, when my locker is slammed whilst I'm looking in it. I turn around annoyed and see Yeri. "Didnt I tell you to stay away from my boyfriend?" she yells causing me to laugh.

"I don't need your permission to hang out with someone." I simply reply. "You don't know who you're messing with. If you ever get close to him again like today, there will be consequences. Am I clear?" She says trying to be scary.

"Shiver me timbers. I guess I won't go to his house now then." I tease her while laughing.

This causes her to go to hit me when I see Jk out of the corner of my eye. "Kook, there you are." I say and run over to him and pull him into a hug. "She was threatening me again so just go along with what I'm about to do." I whisper in his ear causing him to nod in response.

I then lean in and pull him into a gentle kiss, which he seems to elevate and make it turn a lot more passionate. Yeri must be angry now. I slowly pull away and smirk at him making him smile to himself.

She looks at me filled with rage. I just simply break the hug with Jungkook and pull him to my locker as I get the rest of my stuff out of my locker as he leans against the one next to mine staring at me.

I hear the girls going to leave but then I hear Yeris annoying voice speaking. "Are you still wanting to come to my house Hyeri to hang out with us?" She asks making me confused. "I think you must be out of your mind." I say making her leave with her minions.

Jungkook just looks at me slightly confused, slightly happy. I just hold his hand and we head to the guys who are waiting for us to go to Hybe so the guys can rehearse. The car is silent at first but we all start singing as Jin turns the radio on.

Then, he turns the music off whilst I'm in the middle of singing Aju nice by seventeen. The guys all stop and stare at me too. I quickly realise and hide my head my hugging Jimin as I am bright red right now.

"Hyeri your voice is beautiful. Please audition for our company. They really need you." Namjoon says making me smile slightly. "Maybe, if you can get me an audition then I will." I simply reply and they say 'deal' in sync.

We then finally arrive at hybe.

Stepbrothers~Maknae line {currently editing}Where stories live. Discover now