~the meal~

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Jin agreed for us all to go out for a meal out. I quickly run back into my room and got changed into some nice looking clothes incase anyone spots us while we are out.

I quickly put some mascara and lipstick on before heading back to the boys

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I quickly put some mascara and lipstick on before heading back to the boys. They also dressed up a bit.

(ignore woojin)

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(ignore woojin)

I take a minute to admire them all because they all look handsome

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I take a minute to admire them all because they all look handsome. I don't realise all their eyes on me. "Are you guys ready to go?" I say making everyone come back to reality. They all nod and we walk to the lobby of the hotel and get in our limo that was waiting for us. On the way to the fancy restaurant we jam out to some of kpops greatest songs and Hyunjin does his iconic dance.

(i can't find a gif or vid of it but it's the weird hair flippy one where he has his hands infront of his face aha)

We finish jamming to Jyp's fever and finally arrive at the restaurant. It looks very nice for London. We all walk in and sit around the big table. I sit down inbetween Jk and Hyunjin and opposite Jin and Han. The waiter comes over and takes our drink orders. I just order some water as I can feel Jins stare burning into me. I look through the menu and just decide to get some carbonara pasta. We talk about work while waiting for the food.

"So Y/n, how's yours and Jungkook hyungs collab going?" Seungmin asks me with a cute smile. "It's going good, we just need to record it when we get back. I also need to start preparing for my concert soon." I tell the others. "When's the concert?" Han says to me quickly. "I'm not too sure yet Bang pdnim said that 3 months times. It's a world tour aswell." I say to him. Him and Jin give eachother a weird look. "What's going on? You guys are acting really weird." Hyunjin says to us. Thankfully the food arrives just then.

We dig into our food and I enjoy my pasta but only end up eating half of it. "I'm just going to use the toilet." I say and excuse myself. Instead of going to the toilet I go to one of the waitresses and pay for all of the food on my card. I walk back to the boys and sit back down. "So, why are you guys being weird?" Jimin asks after everyone has finished their food. "We aren't being weird oppa." I say giggling nervously as most of the others are staring at me. "Lying is bad Y/n." Changbin says laughing at me. "Sometimes I wish that there was other girls in our friendship group." I say to myself quietly.

Jin then spoke up "We are just being weird b-because Y/n, erm she walked in on me and Han. Erm, well we were kissing." Jin lies to get attention off of me. Everyone is sat in shock at the 'news' they have just heard, especially Han. "Oppa, don't lie for me please. I will explain to Jk, Jimin and Tae later. You tell Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi." I say to Jin and everyone looks at me now. "Why not us?" Minho says in a baby voice. "I'll tell you guys tomorrow, but these need to know. Especially the maknae line." I explain to Minho. "You haven't even told me yet. How come Han hyung knows?" Hyunjin complains to me.

I ignore him and we decide to leave and go back to the hotel. "I'll pay for the bill, you guys go and get in the limo." Chan says to us all. "It's fine Bangchan, I'll pay." Namjoon says back to him. It's the battle of the leaders. They keep saying they will. "I already payed. Now let's go." I say to make them stop. "Why did you do that?" Chan asks me sweetly. "Because I wanted to treat everyone that is special in my life." I say looking around at the boys.

I get cute smiles from all of them, including Yoongi oppa. We get in the limo and head back to the hotel. We are jamming to music again when I felt something on my leg. I look next to me and see Felix has his hand resting on my thigh. I quickly swat his hand away. We then arrive back at the hotel.

We all go up to my room to talk together. "So, erm Han you keep your members here and me and Jin oppa will go into separate rooms. Don't tell them anything." I say sternly to Han and he says alright. Me and Jin take our 'victims' into separate rooms to explain to them. "Why do you need to talk to us sis?" Tae asks as they all sit down on one of the beds. I take a second to mentally prepare myself. "W-well don't h-hate me please oppas." I say to them in a soft tone. "We could never hate you sweetie." Jimin says and gives me a sweet smile.

I then suddenly hear a crash from next door, which means Yoongi knows and broke something because he's either really surprised or angry. "Okay so I'm erm." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I'm p-pregnant." I say and feel tears rolling down my face. My stepbrothers all stand up and give me a massive hug. "Bangchan cheated on you and now you are pregnant. I swear I'm going to kill him." Tae says angrily "Tae, you don't have to kill him. I-it's not his." I say and he has a shocked expression aswell as the others.

Jimin stares at me blankly and Tae and Jk stare at each tier in shock. "T-then w-whose is it?" Jimin says to me with a shaky voice. "K-kookie." I say while wiping my tears. He looks so shocked. "W-what? That's not possible." Tae says to us. "He was the last person I did it with and shit. Kookie you didn't use protection." I say to him bringing him back to reality again. "B-but Yoongi hyung said you can't get pregnant if you have sex in the shower." he says to us making us disappointed in him. "You're too stupid Jungkook. This is putting her career in danger." Jimin says to him.

We take a few minutes to all recover from our conversation. We walk back to the others in my room. I walk in and see Yoongi looking at me with annoyance written all over his face. "Y-yoongi oppa." I say and he just smiles at me. That's odd. "So what's the news that has made all of you this quiet?" Felix asked us. We just sat down and ignored him.


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