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We get back into the car and start to head to the hotel. "Bangchan do you have your hand on Y/n's thigh?" Tae says loudly making everyone in the car look at us. "Taehyung-ah I hate you. You're so annoying sometimes." I say back to him and turn back pouting. "You don't hate me sweetie." he says back to me so I flip him off. "What's wrong with you Y/n? You usually don't stop talking." Jimin says to me confused. "I'm just going to talk to Jin oppa or Innie about it." I say back to them and everyone is quiet again.

We are halfway back and the car is awkwardly silent. "So did you guys have fun? I mean there were some fan girls but I hope no one talked to you while I was gone." I say to them which made them even more quiet. "What? Who was it?" I ask them. "It was that boy that was calling you princess" Hyunjin says to me. "And what was he saying?" I ask him quickly. "Well he was saying that he's going to get with you whether we like it or not. Chan told us that's what he said." Jimin says to me. I just take a deep breath to try and calm down.

I got a message from Jackson on my arm 'i'm so sorry about what happened princess, i didn't think he would date Rosé. Anyways come and see me soon, I miss you.' I read in my head. "cute." I accidentally say out loud. "What's cute baby?" Chan asks me curiously. "Oh erm I was thinking of a cute baby I saw on instagram." I say giggling. We finally get back at the hotel and go back to our rooms. I have a shower while all of the boys are hanging out together.

I finish my shower and get changed into an oversized hoodie and some shorts. I walk to Jins room where the boys said they were going to be. I knock on the door and Hyunjin answers "Oh it's Y/n! come in." he says loudly. I walk in and all of the boys look awkward now I'm here. "Why are you guys being so weird? What were you all talking about?" I ask them curiously. "We were just talking about our new songs that are coming out." Seungmin says quickly before the others had a chance.

I look at them in disbelief "Are you sure that's what you guys were talking about? Anyways I obviously came in at a wrong time so I will leave you guys to finish your conversation." I say and head for the door. "Don't go. We were just talking about boys stuff Y/n." Jin says to me quickly. "Oppa, I know you are lying. I was going to ask to talk to you about something but I think Innie is a better listener anyways." I say to him sharply. He looks at me with shock "W-why do you need to talk to me?" I.n says shocked. "Because you really helped me yesterday. Also because us maknaes need to stick together." I say and we giggle at the last part. "So come on then, we will be in my room if you guys need anything." I say to the other boys and me and I.n walk back to my room.

We sit down on the beds. "So, what can I help you with?" he asks me kindly. "So at the reunion I kinda saw my toxic ex. It really hurt me Innie, I just had to be fine for the boys." I say to him with tears in my eyes. "Awww Y/n, I'm so sorry that happened. You don't have to act fine for the boys though, we all care about you. Also can you tell me what happened with your ex?" he asks me.

I nod my head and start to tell him what happened. "So it all started when we were 14/15 and we really liked eachother. We started dating and it was a perfect relationship, almost too perfect. I was in love with him and he was so romantic, buying me flowers and chocolates. But one day he started to hate me and started shouting at me randomly and he sometimes hit me. He would force me to do things with him and he forced me to buy him whatever he wanted. I didn't tell anyone because he threatened to kill me if I did or broke up with him. I was so unhappy and depressed that I tried to take my own life. I woke up in the hospital 4 months later and was in bad condition. I fully recovered but the memories still hurt me." I say to him now crying my eyes out.

He pulls me into a hug "It's alright, I'm here now and won't let anyone do anything else. You have all of us now. Please don't worry." he says to me while I cry into his chest and he plays with my hair. He lifts my head up with his finger under my chin. He starts to wipe the tears away from my eyes. I feel Jackson take over me once again. We are both leaning in close until our lips meet in the middle. We have a sweet but passionate kiss and then I finally pull away. "I-I'm so so so sorry Innie. I didn't mean to do that." I explain to him and he just strokes his neck awkwardly.

I'm sitting really close to him, just a few cms away. "Please don't tell Chan about this. But I kinda liked it." he says which makes me shocked. "I won't tell him and m-me too." I can't believe I just said that. A moment later I got a message from Jackson on my arm again. 'Y/n, where is your necklace?' I read to myself. "Shit. My necklace." I say angrily. I quickly run back to the boys room and knock frantically on the door.

They quickly open it and I sprint in and see Marks best friend. Johnny. "Johnny, w-why are you here?" I say to him in shock. "You missed me darling?" he says mischievously. I see him smiling while holding something in his hand. "Are you looking for this?" he says loudly and holds up my necklace. "Johnny. Please just give it back now. Don't even start to be like this. I know he set you up to it." I say to him angrily. "Get everyone into my room." I whisper to Namjoon who was next to me.

All of the boys start to leave the room. It's just me and Johnny left. "Johnny please stop. You don't know what you're messing with." I say angrily to him. "Mark told me you know, you mustn't know my mom do you?" he says to me making me confused. "My mom is Athena, goddess of war. I pretty much have this in the bag." he says to me. "You do realise that I still have most of my powers? Don't you? The necklace just protects me and gives me a few extras." I say to him which makes his face drop.

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Soooooo I

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Soooooo I.n and Hyunjin both posted on insta within literally 2 mins of eachother. Looking cute af tho 🥺

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