~The shower~

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I nod to him and we head to the bathroom. I open the door and we both go in. "Hurry up and get into the shower!" Jk said to me. I quickly start to get changed and walk slowly towards the shower. I see him standing infront of me, looking so hot with water dripping down his body. "Are you just going to stare all day? Hurry up and get here." he says while staring at my body. I blush at him as I realise that he's checking me out. "I'm coming now. I don't know how you can look that hot though" I say but I accidentally say the last part out loud instead of thinking to myself. I walk up to him and join him under the shower head.

He grabs my waist and pulls me towards him, forcing our bodies together. "Kookie, we can't do this. I have a boyfriend." I say to him while he is getting closer to me. "it's alright babygirl, no one has to know." he says seductively to me. His voice is so hot, and suddenly I feel Jackson taking over me again. I start to passionately kiss Jk and I run my hand over his abs during the kiss. He starts to slip me his tongue and adds the right amount of tongue to the kiss.

I feel his hand sliding up my thigh teasing me, causing me to slip some moans into the kiss. He pulls away from the kiss and sees my red eyes and smirks at me. I don't even know what is happening anymore. "Bend over babygirl." he says to me demanding. I do as he says, leaning against the wall. He starts to tease me, sliding his tip over my entrance. I grab his dick and put him inside of me. He starts to thrust hard and slowly. "D-daddy, go faster!" I shout to him. Jackson is really going to be killed when I see him next time. He's making me call Jungkook daddy. "Anything for you princess" Jk says as he starts to thrust as fast as he can causing the room to be filled with our moans. "I-i'm gonna cum" I say and i squirt all over his dick before he quickly pulls out and cums all over my back. He licks it clean and we both stand there in shock of how good it was. "Y/n, you have to be the best person I've ever fucked in my life!" he says in a surprised voice to me. "Thank you kookie, your not too bad yourself." I say while biting my lip seductively.

We get back into the shower to wash our hair and we were about to get out when we hear someone knocking on the door. "Jungkook! Are you nearly finished? Your mom is on the phone for you!" Jin shouts through the door. "Just tell her I'm busy please Jin hyung!" he shouts back to Jin. I stay quiet while washing my body. "She said it's urgent Kookie, but I'll go and find Y/n for her first. Don't worry, be quick and finish up." Jin shouts. We both look at eachother in fear. "Hyung, pass the phone through the door! I'll just talk to her now!" Jk shouts again and opens the door slightly to get the phone from Jin. He puts it on speaker.

*on the phone*

Mom: Jungkook! How are you? I hope Y/n isn't being too much of a pain.

Jk: Hi m-mom, I'm great and no she's no bother. Anyways, what did you need to talk to me about?

Mom: Well Jungkook, I need you to convince your brothers and sister to come and move abroad with us! You guys would really love it and also you wouldn't have to worry about Y/n for much longer.

Jk: Mom, what do you mean by that?

Mom: Oh nothing sweety, she would just stay out of your way more if I was with you guys to take care of her.

I look at Jungkook shaking my head trying to signal the answer is no.

Jk: It's fine mom, we aren't allowed to anyways. Our jobs are too important. We will come and visit you and dad soon though.

Mom: Okay Jungkookie, do you know where your sister is? I really need to talk to her about her brother.

Jk: No sorry mom, she has just went to her friends house. Sorry, I'll talk to you later though. Bye

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