~Youre what?~

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I finally finished my shower and got changed into this.

I walked downstairs to see that the boys were all laughing together

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I walked downstairs to see that the boys were all laughing together. "What's so funny guys?" I said to them and sat down on Hyunjins lap. "We were just looking at some funny pictures that Tae has of you!" Jin said crying of laughter. "Tae you promised not to show them to anyone. Yet alone Jinnie, anyways I'll be going so you guys don't embarrass me anymore!" I said as i stood up from Hyunjins lap and lead him out the front door.

*Hyunjins pov*

When we were going through some of the photos I saw a picture of Y/n naked, but he skipped passed it straight away so i pretended not to see it. I don't know why he has a picture of my girlfriend like that. I'll ask her about it. "Hey baby, when we were looking through some of the pictures, Tae had a picture of you n-naked. Why did he have that baby?" I asked and she looked shocked. "I didn't know about that baby, so I'm not too sure. He was probably saving it to get revenge on me for when I threw up on his shirt. It's nothing to worry about baby, now let's go and do some bowling." she said as we walked into the bowling alley.

I'm just so confused about why he had that picture, it looked as if she had just had sex with someone. "Hey baby, when I was gone did you, you know" i asked her "did i what?" she replies giggling. "have s-sex with anyone? because it's fine if you did because we weren't exactly together and you know you can do whatever you want to-" i was cut off by her "Hyunjin I've been waiting for you so I can finally loose my virginity. Silly billy. Anyways I won. Let's go back to my house and have some fun." she said smirking at me.

*end of pov*

Me and Hyunjin finally got home and no one was home. "One second baby let me text the boys to see if we are home alone" he nodded and smiled.

*best group chat ever*

Me: Guysss where are you all?

Swaegking: Why babygirl? Did you need something to do😉

EommaJin: We will be back in a few hours Y/n we just have a meeting about our album.

Taetae: I miss you Y/n! Has Hyunjin gone home yet?

Me: Well he's staying over tonight and we have some plans hehe 😂

Tallboi: What Y/n? Are you crazy!

Iq148: Look at Y/n getting all the action 😉 he's a lucky boy.

Swaegking: You should see Kookies face at the moment Y/n I think you traumatised him and Jin.

EommaJin: If you do anything remember to use protection! I don't want any little kids to look after, I already have you guys. Just make you are done by 1am, we should be back by then. Enjoy😉

Me: Ok Eomma, I love you all. Don't embarrass me when you get here okay🙂

*end of texts*

"They aren't getting back for a few hours yet baby so we can go and have some fun in my room!" I say smirking at him. He looks quite awkward and I don't know why. I drag him to my room and pinned him down on my bed as i start to kiss him passionately. He didn't kiss me back. "Baby, what's wrong? Why aren't you kissing me, am I that bad of a kisser?" I said to Jinnie while my voice is shaking. "I-i'm sorry Y/n b-but I can't do this." he says to me. "You can't do what Hyunjin?" I ask him in reply.

"Last night I was at my friends house and we ended up- erm. You know" he said looking down at the floor. "Which friend was this and do I know her? Please tell me you're joking." I say as I feel tears building up in my eyes. "Erm well the thing is it's a he, not a she. I've been confused with my sexuality for a while and I found out that I'm more into guys. I'm so sorry Y/n, but I hope we can still be besties?" he said looking guilty. I just hugged him and said "Of course Jinnie that's fine I'm sure he's a lovely boy, he definitely is lucky to have you. Just remember I'll always be you're best friend!" I said hugging him tighter.

He started to tell me about this guy that he is madly in love with. His name is Felix and apparently he has a really calming deep voice. I was just happy that Jinnie is happy. I looked at the time and it is 00:59 and the boys said that they would be back at any minute. Immediately the door opened and i heard screaming "Y/n!!! Where are you guys?" I heard Jin say. We both go downstairs and see the boys eyeing us both up and giggling to eachother.

I broke the silence "We didn't- anyways Hyunjin was just going to go to his boyfriends house, isn't that right Jinnie?" I said to him while pushing him out of the door. He said he's goodbyes and as soon as he left everyone was staring at me. "So, he's gay." Yoongi said blankly. "No shit sherlock!" I replied to him in a sharp tone. "Are you okay Y/n? Do you need to talk about it?" Namjoon said to me sweetly. "I'm honestly fine guys, anyways I knew something was going on and I've started catching feelings for someone else." They all tease me as we sit down in the living room.

"So, this new guy that you are catching feelings for, what is he like?" Tae said looking very interested in what I have to say. "Well first of all he is really handsome, his voice is really calming, he's good at singing and can somewhat rap, he's quite a bit taller then me, he has lovely eyes and he's really cute and takes care of me well." I said staring at Tae. He just blushes back at me. "He sounds like a lovely boy Y/n, but he also sounds a bit like. You know, Tae." Jin said and everyone stared at me.

"He's my stepbrother Jin, anyways do you not understand how hard it is to get any pleasure in this house because of you Jin?" I say smiling at Tae. Jin looks at me in astonishment. "Looks like Y/n is horny, I'm always here if you need kitten and you know that I'm good with my tongue." Yoongi says winking at me. "I'm fine Yoongi, maybe not today. I'll be fine by myself for today." I said going up to my room to get some pleasure.

I realised my computer was broken because Namjoon oppa had stepped on it. I walked back downstairs and said "Can I borrow someone's computer, because if you can't remember Namjoon stepped on mine and broke it, and don't worry I'll clean the search history. But if you let me use on of yours you might get a little reward." I said in a seductive tone to them.

They all volunteered to let me use them. "Hmmm I think Jin could use something after that kiss at Jimins party. Don't you think Jin?" I said as I could see he was getting harder as I was speaking. "Don't worry, maybe someone else can let me use theirs all day tomorrow?" I said looking at Tae biting my lip.

Me and Jin went up to my room. "Are you comfortable with doing this oppa? I just need some pleasure." I said to him. "Yeh, why wouldn't I be comfortable with helping you with that especially when I said if you need anything come to me" he said getting closer to me.

 "Yeh, why wouldn't I be comfortable with helping you with that especially when I said if you need anything come to me" he said getting closer to me

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(This is Hyunjins new boyfriend Lee Felix i forgot to put the pic in before 😂)

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