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I wake up and feel a tight hug. I look over to my side and see Josh lying sound asleep. "Joshy, you need to get up. We are going to the airport soon." I say to him and he quickly wakes up. "Oh yeh, I forgot about that, I'll get up now. Also can I borrow someone's clothes? I don't have any." he asks me "Of course I'll go and get some from Tae now." I say and leave the room. I walk downstairs to the spare room and see all of the boys fast asleep. "Guys get up, we are going to the airport soon." I say and no one moves.

I get my speaker and put it in the middle of the room, I then quickly leave the room and close the door. I then blast UGH ear rape version. I hear them all shouting so I stop it. "Are you guys awake now?" I say laughing as I walk back into the room. They all give me dirty looks "Guys hurry up we are going to the airport soon, straykids you guys need to go and get your suitcases aswell." I say to them as they all slowly start to rise. "Taetae, can Josh borrow some of your clothes? He accidentally packed all of his already." I ask him while giving him a hug. "Of course he can but make sure it's not my favourite clothes." he says and I leave to get some of his clothes.

I get some of Taes clothes and take them upstairs to Josh "Here you go Shua, now go downstairs and get some breakfast or something. I need to have a shower." I say to him and he nods and leaves the room. I step into the bathroom and start undressing, before slowly getting into the shower.

*Jungkooks pov*

"Come on guys, let's go make some breakfast." I say to the others and they all agree for Jin to make us breakfast. We all walk downstairs and into the kitchen where we see Josh by himself. "Where is Y/n?" I ask him in my best English. "Shower." he responds. I know what that is. I'm so good at English.

"Namjoon hyung, I'm gonna go have a shower. You guys have breakfast without me." I say to him. "Wait, Kookie let me have a shower with you."Jimin says winking at me. "Hyung! I know about you know who." I say about Taehyung. "W-what? I don't know what you are talking about Kookie." he says to me. "Okay then Hyung, but I prefer to shower on my own." I say leaving the others sitting eating their breakfast.

I walk upstairs and hear some singing coming from Y/n's room. I walk in and listen to her angelic voice. I sit on her bed and admire her voice. A few minutes later I hear the bathroom door open and I see her standing there in just a towel. "Kookie, what are you doing in here?" she shouts at me. "Don't worry I just came because I heard your beautiful singing." I say to her which makes her blush. "Okay, thank you Kookie. Now go and get showered and changed we only have a few more hours left." she says sweetly to me. "Okay princess." I say and walk to my room to have a shower.

*end of pov*

Jungkook finally left my room and I've just finished packing my suitcase. Now what should I get changed into? I look through my wardrobe and find this and get changed into it.

I then walk downstairs and see that straykids have already left to get their suitcases

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I then walk downstairs and see that straykids have already left to get their suitcases. "We are going in 30 minutes, so eat some breakfast. We are just going to get changed." Jin says to me and kisses my forehead when the boys all went upstairs to get changed leaving me and Josh alone again. "I'm so excited. I haven't been abroad in ages." I say to him while eating my porridge. "I know you will love it." he says and sits down next to me. "I've missed you so much Joshy." I say while ruffling his hair. "I've missed you so much too Missy." he says and pulls me into a hug.

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