~My birthday~

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I put my fake smile on and walk into the living room to the boys. "Finally Y/n, now I can actually introduce myself to the boys." Eric said and I sat down next to Jk. "So as you know I'm Eric, I'm the son of Poseidon, one of the big three. Anyways, Jackson sent me here to keep an eye out on Y/n because as she gets even more famous, she will be an even bigger target. I hope you guys don't mind if I stay with you guys while I'm needed here" he says and everyone is taking a moment to process everything. "No, no not at all. I'm glad to have my bestfriend back." Namjoon said and they smile at eachother.

Eric was Namjoons bestfriend at school before he had to move away. I didn't know they knew eachother though. "Y/n, do you and Chan have to be like that whenever you are together? It's a little bit disgusting seeing as we are your older brothers. They don't even know about that, do they?" Jk asked and I shook my head to his question. "I think I'm going to go to bed soon, I'm quite tired." I say to them.

Tae obviously remembered something and said "Y/n, your notebook was very interesting to read and I didn't realise that you thought that about Jk. It's actually quite funny." he says while staring at me and laughing. I remembered that I had wrote that I wasn't too sure if I was falling in love with Kookie or Tae but I had strong feelings for them both, that is until I met Chan. He's really nice cute and hot. "You better not have looked at my camera roll through my computer!" I said sharply at him and he bursts out laughing. "Tae please tell me that you didn't." I said worried. "I'm afraid that I did, you have some very interesting photos, I was going through them for a while." he said while admiring me.

I can't believe he actually went through my camera roll. I had nudes in my hidden section of my camera roll and the rest of my photos were basically just selfies and pictures of the others. I came back to reality when he said my fear. "You know, the hidden part was definitely my favourite." he said while smirking at me. I punch the pillow closest to me and Eric stops me "Y/n stop before you cause a storm again. Anyways what was on the camera roll Tae?" Eric says knowing exactly what was on it. All of the boys were looking at Tae looking very curious. "Well, you see Y/n has been taking quite a lot of nudes. There was atleast over a hundred. Our little sister has quite the body, Chan is a very lucky boy." he says and all of the boys are looking my body up apart from Eric of course.

I then felt my brother pulling me down to hell. "Happy birthday, also what the hell? Why have you been taking nudes, don't tell me you were planning on sending them to Chan." Jackson says furiously to me. "Hello to you too, and thanks. But why does it matter? He sees it in real life anyways. Anyways, I'm confident in my body and I like taking pictures to show that. You've never had a problem seeing me naked, even though I am your sister. Thinking about it, Ive never actually seen you naked Jackson. I've just seen your abs." I say back to him blankly.

"I would like to keep it that way Y/n and also I don't have a choice, I need to keep a watch over you. Anyways you do have a really good body, I can't keep my eyes away." he says as he walks closer to me. "Jackson, you're my brother. Stop it now." I say and he snaps out of his trance. "I'm sorry Y/n, now get back to the boys" he says "wait jac-" I was cut off as he sent me back.

I landed on the sofa, scaring the shit out of all the boys. "Jackson you dickhead, give me warning next time." I said looking down to hell. They all look at me weirdly. "So, what were you guys talking about while I was gone?" I asked and they all looked at eachother panicked. "If you guys don't tell me, I can just take a peak for myself and see everything you said exactly." they looked even more scared after I said it. "W-we were just talking about how sexy you are Y/n and how bad we all want to fuck you." Yoongi said. Are they all alright in their heads? "Oh, okay. Well I'm going to go to bed. Eric do you want to come and cuddle with me?" I ask him as the others are all pervs with boners.

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