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Amanda's POV

I sat on my bed crying. These cramps were making me cry. I didn't know what else to do. I had drank warm water, tried lying flat on my stomach.

  But I guess it heightened. I felt like I was going to die that night. Why did menstrual cramps have to be so?
The pain was excruciating. Like a knife in my stomach cutting every thing in it. I couldn't wake my flat mate. I could only muffle cries.

I stood up walking about the room, my Spark 3 tecno phone in my hand. Maybe I could browse, might help a bit.

I went on to Facebook, saw a lot of friend requests. I was a writer and maybe some people were trying to get to me.

I saw one profile, 'Dayo Dayo'. I searched through the profile. He looked nice. So I accepted.  It seemed like he was online and he messaged me.  Online around  3am. Weird.

"Heyo. Thanks for accepting my request. I have been waiting for months."

"OMG. For months? I am deeply sorry. I don't really check up on friend requests. So sorry."

"It's fine. You do well. You could open a blog of your own you know."

"Yeah thanks."

"So am Dayo, you?"


"Nice to meet you Amanda........"

The friendship began from Facebook.

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