Baby? Congratulations 🎉

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"Take it slowly, ma'am. Push."

"Aaaaaaah. Wait, call me Joe." She grunted.

Joe paced up and down the hall way.

"Mr Joe, she wants you." A nurse said to him.

"Okay." He said and went in. He was given a surgical mask and a pair of gloves to wear.

"Hey Baby." He said.

"Joe, I'm so tired." She said.

"You can do it love. Just push okay."

"Mmmmmmh." She grunted again. "Aaaahhhh."

"The babies are coming."

She grunted more, straining and pushing.

"You can do it. You can." Joe said and rubbed her head.

"Yes, I can." She said and pushed.

One baby came out and began to cry....

"One more to go, Ma'am."


The other came out and Amanda exhaled. It was over. She...had her kids.

"Congratulations, Ma'am. Twin boys."

"You did it baby." Joe said and kissed her forehead. "You've made me a father."

She exhaled again and smiled.
She was a mother.


Congratulations Amanda and Joe...

They're now parents...

Whoa, I'm speechless. 

It has been a long journey indeed ❤

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