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Joe's POV

"Her location has been found Sir. At a ware house along Ikeja."

"As far as that?" I asked. "I'm coming."

"You can't come Sir. It's too dangerous."

"I'm coming abeg." I said and ended the call. It's not like they are working oh.

I took my car keys and headed to the location sent to my phone.

I met the DOP beside his car.

"Sir, please go in. Her life is in danger." I begged.

"We've warned them that we'd be breaking in." He said.

"They might kill her. Please go now." I said again.

"Okay. Let's move boys."

They all carried their guns and went in. I was given a gun too and I followed.

The place was dark and creepy. With some crawling things around.

"Your hands in the air." I heard.

I turned towards the direction. I saw a man holding a body in his arms.
He dropped the body and raised his arms.

"Amanda." I shouted and ran towards her. She was naked, her body bruised and she was unconscious.

"Oh, Jesus." I said and lifted her into my arms. Removing my T-shirt, I wore it over her. Her body was dirty and red from all the torture given.

I looked at her legs. I couldn't bare it.

"Let's take her to the hospital." I said and we got there in some minutes.

She was wheeled into a room as a nurse asked me to stay behind.

Was Amanda going to die? Was she?

Help her to survive this. You made her a fighter, I said looking above.


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