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We've gotten into another chapter...

I'd like to wish a happy birthday to a special friend. Not a wattpadian but has encouraged me...

Happy birthday ❤❤💃🏽💃🏽🍰🎂🥂


Amanda's POV

I was still puzzled at Bayo's behaviour towards me. I couldn't decipher any thing meaningful just yet.

If only I could. Bayo was too proud. Besides, he'd never apologize. She still loved him dearly. She still had her heart to him. If he only knew.

I'd make sure I never see them again, that would make things better, I thought to myself.

Slowly but surely days passed by. Things were fine in the restaurant. Things were going smoothly and Joe was coming back pretty soon.

I was excited. At least my gisting partner would be around. I decided to make myself happy and keep being positive. Even thought I had flashes, I was fine. Smiling like I always used to.

"I know you didn't miss me." Joe said as he sat beside me in his car.

"Why would you say that?" I asked smirking.

"Because you're so quiet. No hugs, no...." He said and kept mute.

"No what?" I asked staring.

"Nothing." He said and looked away.

I understood what he meant and went closer to him. I gave him a light peck on the cheeks.

"Happy now?" I asked smiling at him and he nodded grinning.

Sia's song Chandelier filled my ear and I realized my phone was ringing.

"Your father is dead, Amanda." I heard on answering the call.

"He's been buried already."

"What?" I asked. "Mama, you never told me."

"You're nothing to us Amanda. You left us for that man." Mama said on the other end.

"But mama...."

"Don't mama me, Amanda. I hope you enjoy your life." Mama said and ended the call.

"No." I whispered and sobbed.

"Amanda." Joe called. "Are you okay?"

"I need to go home. My...my father is dead." I cried and he pulled me closer.

"Shhh. Don't cry." He said patting me.

"They...they even buried him without telling me. We had arguments a because I loved Bayo...and..."

"Don't think about it. You'll be fine." He replied, patting me.


So so sad...

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