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Third person's POV

Slowly, Amanda came back to life. Joe was almost going crazy with the fact that Amanda wasn't awake yet.

Slowly she moved her fingers, her toes, breathed more and could open her eyes. There was a big celebration all over. Bayo was the most excited. He really wanted to apologize.

"I'm happy you're back, Amanda." Joe said beaming with smiles.

"I'm happy too. I never knew I'd survive." She said and smiled.

Bayo walked in, and Amanda tensed up.

"Shh. It's fine baby. He won't hurt you. He just wants to talk to you." Joe said holding her hand.

"Hi, Amanda." Bayo greeted.

"H...hi." She replied.

"I'm here to apologize. I know that my apologies won't heal the wounds. But I'm really sorry. Even about your ability to have a child, it was all my fault." He said and Amanda's mood changed.

"I am really sorry, Amanda. I'd be going for an operation to remove the tumor. I didn't come to beg you so that I'd have a successful operation. I came to beg you, to just forgive me." He said and knelt down.

"God has blessed you with a better future partner. May your house be blessed dear." He said.

"It is fine, Bayo. Get up please." She said and helped him get up.

"Thank you. Joe take care of her." He said and smiled at them before leaving.

"Did he really apologize?" She asked.

"Yes he did. And he meant every word." Joe replied and kissed her palm....


It's really close to the ending


Anyways 🙂😊

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