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Sorry for the hold guys....
I sincerely apologize.

Yesterday, 18th July, was the birthday of a special friend 😊😊😊

Happy birthday in arrears, Emmanuel. Many more years to you 💕💕💕


I was beginning to see a ray of hope in my life. I was happy once again and joyous. I had my family back to lean on. I had friends and family. I had Joe. He was really supportive of me.

Yes, I tried to stop thinking of Bayo. It has been months. Months un end. I know that by now Tola should have put to bed. But I really didn't care anymore. I had my life to live.

I and Joe handled the restaurant carefully. We went on outings, to amusement parks and many other places.

On this day, we went to an amusement park. Joe held my hand tightly in his. I smiled at him. He seemed lost in thought.

"Joe?" I called and he turned to me.
"What are you thinking about?"

"You." He said.

"Me?" I asked bewildered.

"Um...I mean business." He stuttered.

"But business is doing just great." I said and laughed.
"Come on. Tell me."

"I think.....I think I...." He started.

"Yes." I said, chuckling at him.

"You'll laugh at me or walk away if I tell you." He said.

"I promise I won't laugh, and I won't walk away." I said.

"Okay. I think I'm in love." He said.

"Oh, wow. That's so great. And....who's the lucky girl?" I asked smiling broadly.

"It's....its you." He said.

"Wait, what? Me?"

"Yes, Amy. It's you. I...I love you." He said holding my hand tighter.

"Joe, I don't understand. Why me?" I asked.

"You're special, Amy. I love you for who you are. I really love you."

I was beginning to feel suffocated.

"Can we leave please?" I asked, breathless.

"Yes, we...we can." He said and we left.

Throughout the drive home, I was silent. Before this we would chatter.

Maybe love sometimes ruins friendships, I thought.

"Good night, Joe." I said as he dropped me home.

Joe pulled me towards him.

"I love you and nothing will change it." He said and placed his lips on mine.

I wanted to pull off, and push him away. But I couldn't. I felt safe in his strong arms. Secure around him. His lips were all I had to take me down ecstasy. My hands were on his shoulder, steadying myself from falling. I couldn't breathe. I could only feel his ravaging lips on mine.

"Joe." I called in between his lips. "It's late."

"Yes, I know." He said and pecked me. Then he let go of me.

I inhaled. I never felt that way before.

"Tomorrow." He said and entered his car. I watched him drive off and entered my house.

As I opened my door, I met my fear.

"Hello, Mandy." She said and I was covered with a hood.


I hope you guys enjoyed this....
I'll update soon huh...

Till then 💕💕❤😚

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