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Hey there.
I hope you had a good night rest.
Happy democracy day Nigerians 🇳🇬🇳🇬
To celebrate our fallen heroes.
June 12, 2020
But AEDC no give us light sha oh.
Nija sef ehn
Ya doing well 😜


I had to go back home soon. Bayo agreed to come with me. I had to introduce him to my parents, no matter the cost...

We got into Enugu that faithful day. I was so excited as I saw places I had missed. I smiled describing places for Bayo. We got into Nsukka, my home town and we passed by the great university.

"That's the first University in Nigeria' right?" He asked.

"Yes dear. It is..."

I inhaled deeply as we approached my community.

"Are you okay?" Bayo asked me. I nodded in reply.

I wasn't okay, I thought.

I looked outside the window and saw a familiar figure. I squinted my eyes.

Is that Michelle, I asked myself.

"Driver, please stop." I said and he stopped.

"What's wrong M?" Bayo asked.

"I saw a friend. I'll be back." I said opening the door.

"Michelle?" I called and she turned around.

She was confused and she stared at me.
"Amanda." She called and we hugged.

"I missed you."

"I called a lot."

"Your number wasn't reachable."

"I asked about you." We both talked at the same time.
I really missed her.

"Argh. Its been so long Michelle. I just came back. Give me your number.." I said and we exchanged contacts.

"I'll call you soon, okay."

"Thanks babe." We hugged again and I went into the car.

"Who's that?" Bayo asked.

"That's my best friend. We lost contacts." I said smiling.  I directed the driver towards my compound.

I saw my last born playing outside. He stood up surprised and stared at the car coming into the compound.

"Mama." He called.

I held Bayo's hand and exhaled.

"No matter what happens, I love you and I'll marry you." He said and I smiled.

We both came down from the car and went towards the house.

"Auntie." Chinaza my last born screamed. He ran towards me and I caught him in my arms.

"Chi Chi, how are you?" I asked kissing his cheek continuously.

"I am fine. I missed you." He said.

"Awwn, I missed you too. I brought things for you." I said and shuddered after hearing Mama cough.

"Mama," I said and dropped Chinaza. I moved to hug her but she moved back.

"Mama, this is Bayo." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you Mama." Bayo said.

"I am not your mother." Mama replied coldly.

"Haba Mama." I cut in.

"Hold it there. I thought I told you that it can't work. Chiamaka. I told you." Mama said.

"Mama, let us get in first now." I said and went to hold her. She shrugged and went in. I looked at Bayo and held his cheek.

"B...I am so sorry." I said.

"Its nothing." He said and smiled. We both went in.

I saw Papa sitting on one of the sofas. His legs stretched out on a table.

"Papa." I said and went to greet him.
I held his hand and he smiled.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I am fine, Papa. Bayo, this is my father. Papa, meet Bayo.

"Nice to meet you Sir." Bayo said while Mama sat giving him a scorn  look.

"Father, I hope you're fine." Bayo said again.

"Yes, I am fine."

"Papa, I and Bayo are getting married." I said.

"Oh really. That's good to hear my child."

"Papa Chiamaka, this boy is a Yoruba person oh." Mama said.

"Mama." I said and she eyed me.

"And so," my father queried. I so loved my father's accent. He was once a school principal until he retired.

"Because he is a Yoruba man doesn't mean my daughter shouldn't marry whom she loves."

"I will not agree to this marriage." Mama said. "I won't." She left the sitting room.

I held Bayo's hand. He was sweating. I saw anguish and pain in his eyes. I couldn't hold it as a tear dropped from my eyes.

I am happy Amanda's father accepted.

I feel for Bayo oh.

I was thinking he wasn't serious about Amanda.

God bless papa....

But more is to come...

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