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Where am I? What.....what happened?

I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe anymore.

"Please help me." I called out. My hands were tied and my feet too.

"Please let me go." I cried the more.

I heard footsteps.

"Who's there?" I asked again.

"Your worst nightmare, Amanda." The voice said.

I could recognize the voice anywhere. It was Tola.

"Why did you abduct me, Tola?" I asked, sweating under the hood.

"You have everything I have ever had. So why?"

The hood was removed from my head and I received a slap.

"I want you dead, Amanda." She said as she laughed out loud. "I want you out of our lives. Yes, death is what I want for you."

"Let me go, Tola. You have a family. A child and a husband. I have none. Just let me go." I said again.

"Hahaha. If Bayo finds out that that child isn't his, he'll come back to you. I won't live to see that happen. You'll die and I mean it."

"So you weren't carrying his child? You bitch." I muttered.

"You're so naïve, Amanda. Very naïve."

"Tola, they'll find me. I know Joe will find me." I said with a ray of hope.

"Oh, your dreamer boyfriend, is somewhere enjoying himself with some prostitute. I doubt he even loves you." Tola said and it hit me hard.

I had to keep quiet. My heart tore into a thousand pieces.

What if he didn't love me?
What if he did?
Do I even love him?
But why me?

Tola laughed mischievously and left me to my own thoughts.


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