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It was fun with Bayo. We had our arguments, plays and fights. A lot of fights. I was a jealous type though.

It was so swift.....I was done with my exams and my result was out. I had a 4.7. OMG! Bayo was so happy for me. We celebrated the day I saw the result. 
He took me out for a Karaoke event. It was on a beach.

"You're so damn good." He said for the  umpteenth time.

"Bayo." I slapped his shoulders and he flexed them. He pat my cheek and put his hand back to the steering.

"Am really proud of you baby." He said.

"Awwn, thanks Sweetheart." I replied blushing.

It was 7pm when we got to the venue. He led me to a free table and we sat.

The MC was giving a speech or sort of. My mind wasn't there jare.  My mind was on Bayo.
I was really in love with him.
I was wondering if he wanted to take our relationship farther.
I was so deep in thought. It was Bayo's laughter that brought me back.
I felt his eyes boring into me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I am fine.." I said.

"Okay. Let me get you a drink. Farouz?"

"Yeah." I said and smiled.

He came back moments later with two bottles. He had gotten for himself Farouz too. He didn't like alcohol.

I wasn't laughing at the jokes at all. I wasn't in this world. I had gone very deep into my thoughts.

"Hey, Bayo." I heard and saw Bayo hugging someone. "Eh Bayo." Another said.

"What's up guys? I didn't expect to see you here, bro." Bayo said.

"I came with my girl. Is she yours?" One  guy asked looking at me.

"Yeah. She's my babe. Mandy meet Jide. Jide meet Mandy. These are my friends too."

"Nice to meet you." I said and shook his hand.

"She looks like she's Igbo." One said.

"Yeah. She is."

"Guy, mad oh. You no fit find Yoruba babes ni..."

"Dapo, shut up." Jide said and looked at me. "Don't mind them jare."

"She's pretty Man." Jide replied and I smiled. "Catch ya later bro." Then they left.

"Yeah. My man."

I stood up and walked across the sand toward the water.

He turned from Jide and saw me.

"Mandy." He went after me.

"Babe, what's bothering you?" He asked catching up with me and held my arms.

"Are we taking us further?" I asked.
I wondered why this was bothering me now.

"Can we talk about it later?" He said.

"I asked because I wanted to know your mind, Bayo. But it's cool. I'll be fine."

"I can't sit alone without you Babe. We came to celebrate you." He said.

"Is that Adebayo Williams?" We heard.
We turned towards the voice and saw a slightly tall woman.

"Hey Tola. What's up?" Bayo said and walked away from me.

I sighed. I wasn't gonna enjoy this night with friends all around. I turned away, deciding not to listen to their conversation. I could feel Bayo's eyes on me.

Then my phone rang. I looked at the ID. It was Mama. I walked a bit farther and I answered the call.

"Mama." I called out.

"Nwam, how are you doing?"

"Mama, am doing great. How is everyone?"

"We're good. I hope everything is fine."

"Yes Mama. I just got my result today. I had a 4.7."

"That's great news, my dear. Congratulations."

"Thanks Mama."

"Ehen, how is that your friend? Em...Bayo ba?"

"Yes. Bayo." I said and turned to his direction. "He's fine, Mama."

"Okay. I just wanted to hear your voice my dear."

"So thoughtful of you. I'll call soon." I said.

"Okay. Take care. Let me know when you'll be coming home. We miss you."

"I miss you all. I'd inform you. Sleep well Ma."

"You too." She said and the call ended.

The convocation ceremony was going to be set soon. But I knew they wouldn't make it. Bayo was still talking to the Tola woman. I walked towards them.

"Bayo, are you done?" I questioned.

"Hi." She replied eyeing me.

"Is she your babe?" She asked.

"Yes, any problem?"

"Bayo, I want to go home." I said.

"Now?" He asked.

"Yes Bayo. I don't enjoy it here." I said and walked away.

"Bye. Tola." He said and followed me.

"Mandy what's wrong?"

"Did you bring me here to mock me Bayo?"

"I don't understand Mandy."

Hey guys. I hope you're enjoying the chapter.
The tribal discrimination has started already.
Let's see how it goes.

Please keep voting and commenting, guys. I'd really appreciate.

~Ella 💖

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