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"There is always a second chance. But what if there isn't?"


Amanda's POV

It was too dark. I....I wasn't feeling anything.

That.....that man, that huge man. Tola, that.....

"Amanda." I heard.
I tried to open my eyes. I was dizzy as fuck but I could see him.

"Joe." I said. My lips parched and my throat dry.
I tried to get up but he held me back.

"Don't. Lay down." He said and held my hand.
"I missed you." He said.

"I did too. What....what happened?" I asked.

"It's a kind of long story. We can't talk about it now dear." He said.

"Tola? That huge man? Did he rape me?" I asked, tears blinding my vision.

"I can't say anything right now babe. All I want you to do is rest." He said and kissed my palm.

I tried to sleep but it wasn't easy. But I succumbed to sleep nevertheless.


Joe's POV

Amanda looked so scared. I couldn't tell her about what she'd be facing. What if it starts here in the hospital..

"She's going to be fine Mr Joe." The doctor said. "You'd be able to take her home soon."

"Okay doctor." I replied.

"Note this, Mr Joe, she'd have some little pains in her abdomen as a result of this sex drug. She'd want sex the more, you understand. I know you both are not married, but she'd really need it. God knows how long this will stay. It would make her a sex addict if not controlled." He said.

"Hmm. Okay Doc." I replied again after listening to him.

Amanda was released later. She was improving, though at times she jerked off.
She mostly stared at space, either thinking or not just feeling at all.

Look at what they made my love become, I thought within me.

It hurt to see her that way. It hurt a lot....


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