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Our 30th chapter...

Woohoo 💃🏽

Thanks you guys for following....
Heart ya plenty ❤


Joe's POV

I got to the police station. I met Bayo there, his face in his palms. He looked up at me.

"I'm so sorry, Joe." He said, pain written all over his face. "My wife did this nonsense."

I just stared at him. I couldn't say a word. I went to look at those who did these bad things to my Amanda.

Tola sat down staring at nothing when I walked towards the cell bar. Bayo was beside me.

"Why did you hurt Amanda the way you did?" I asked. "You took everything she had, including her husband. Yet you still did this."

"She'll never be happy as long as I'm alive." She replied.

"Tola you're a witch." Bayo said. "You were the same woman who called those thugs to rape her that night. You think I didn't know."

Tola looked surprised and astonished.

"I just didn't have proof to hand you over to the police. I also know that Junior isn't my son." He said.

"He's your son!" She shouted.

"He's my son." One of the kidnappers said.

They all turned to look at the speaker.

"Bode, he's not your son." Tola said and turned to Bayo.

I just stared in silence.

"I am here for Amanda. Sort your issues privately. You'll rot in jail for hurting her the way you did. In fact, you deserve a slow and painful death." I said and turned away.
Trying to be a man, trying to hide away the pain I was feeling deep within me. I left...

Amanda's mother called. I couldn't tell her. I could only say she was fine.
She felt relieved. Not knowing that her daughter is in a coma.


Days turned into weeks and weeks into months. Six months gone and Amanda wasn't waking up.

"Hey." I said placing a new bouquet of flowers.

"It's been six months you went into deep sleep. Don't you want to see my face again huh?" I asked.

I held her hand, staring at her. Her tired face, her tired body. I wished she could just get up.

"Those monsters will pay, Amanda. They will." I said and kissed her palm.

I could feel her hand getting warm. I saw her fingers move.

Wait? What?

Her fingers moved!!!!

"Doctor." I could hear myself screaming and he came inside the room.

"She's waking up." He said, smiling broadly.


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