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No matter how much effort you use to please someone, that someone might not appreciate it.

Please yourself first.



I didn't remember what happened. I passed out. I felt shattered. Bayo did this to me. He couldn't even save me. I was curled up in a corner of the sitting room crying. Bayo and Tola just stared at me. I saw the grin on Tola's face. Bayo walked away and never said a word.

I dragged myself up and headed towards my bathroom. I put on the heater and filled the bath tub with water. I slipped into the water and cried out.

I bit my lower lip in pain and gasped. I was massacred.

If only I had the right words, if only......

But I couldn't curse. I was never trained to do so. I sniffed again and sighed.

I stayed in the tub and cried all night.


I had backed my bags. I was leaving. Even though I had little money, but I didn't know where I was going to go to.

I pulled my bags across the house and down the stairs. Bayo and Tola were eating at the dining. I didn't even look their way.

"Where do you think you're going?" I heard Bayo ask.

"I am leaving Bayo." I said and dropped a file on the arm of the sofa he sat on. "That's our divorce papers. When you sign them, give me a call."

I turned and left. Never looking back. I knew I had nowhere to go to. My family didn't want me. I had no job, no friends.

I took a taxi and told him to drive. I asked him to take me to my favorite restaurant. He dropped me and I paid.

I got into the restaurant, and ordered.  Then I ate, making it my last meal. Maybe I was going to die after all.

Then I ordered beer. I wasn't a fan of it. But I thought it would help me forget my sorrow. I was drunk minutes later.

"Hello Ma'am." I heard and turned towards the speaker.

"Hello." I replied.

"Is there a problem Ma'am?" He asked.

I just stared at him. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone. Talk less of a stranger.

"I need work." I blurted and sniffed. "I need a family. I need a child."

"I am so...."

"You have a job to offer me?" I asked.

"I own this restaurant. I'll search for a free space for you." He said and I snickered.

"You, own this place?" I asked.

"Yes. My name is Joseph. Call me Joe." He said and gave out his hand.

I shook his hand and he sat down. 

"You need help ma'am." He said.

"Don't call me Ma'am. I am Amanda." I blurted out.

"But you've got a wedding band around your finger." He said and I laughed.

"Oh yeah." I replied drunk and pulled out the ring. "Its over Sir."
I hiccupped and then I stood up and walked, almost falling.

"Can I help you?" He asked gently coming closer.

"As....as long as you won't break me." I said and laughed out loud and then I knew no more.


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