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Its been a year.......a year since I left Bayo to Lagos.

I couldn't forget Bayo so easily. I was working now and I lived alone. I blocked Bayo's number, so that he wouldn't call. It was so hard for me. Very....very hard.....

Bayo's POV

I felt shattered as I saw Amanda walk out of my life a year ago. Away from my life because of my parents. I had never felt sad in my life. I didn't talk to my parents until I left the house. I was going to make sure I find Amanda.

I got to Lagos and no trace of her. I couldn't call her either. It hurt me so bad.
I decided to go on...to continue and just live on her memories. One year without Amanda.

I drove out one day to that favorite eatery we always went to... I almost broke down as the memories were still fresh.

I thought I saw someone...was it Amanda?

I stood up and walked towards the woman seated. She seemed engrossed in her phone.

"Amanda." I called and she turned around...

"B....Bayo?" She replied startled...

Amanda's POV

I decided to go to my favorite eatery...that place didn't change a bit though.

I sat down and ordered for two meat pies and chocolate ice cream. I sat down and my phone beeped almost immediately. It was Michelle and we began chatting...

Halfway,I felt someone staring at me. I didn't know who and why. I felt it was someone familiar.  Bayo perhaps...
I shook my head. Not Bayo jare.

"Amanda." I heard. That voice couldn't be mistaken for another. It was Bayo.

I turned..
"B...Bayo????" I called.

We stared at each other.

"Can I sit?" He asked.

"Yes...yes." I said and he sat down opposite me.

"Hi." He said.

"Hello." I replied shocked.

"I didn't expect to ever see you again." He said.

"I didn't too." I replied.

"I am so sorry Amanda. The way my parents maltreated you and I couldn't do anything." He said.

"It's fine. I have forgotten about that. I have moved on and so did you. Bayo." I said.

"I still thought about you everyday." He said.

"Bayo...I have to go." I said and stood up.

"At least have my number." He said.

"I have it. I just blocked it." I muttered and his face fell.

"I still stay at that house." He said.

"That's good to hear." I said and walked out towards my car.

He followed me and there was a faint smile on his face.

"Bye." He said.


As I drove away, tears came down my cheeks. I couldn't believe I'd see Bayo again.

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