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Dedicated to SophieOna
Thanks girl for always following ❤😊😚

"Everyone makes mistakes."


I stared at Amanda for the umpteenth time.
Holding her hand and caressing her face.
Those bastards, I really hope they rot in jail for what they did to my darling.....

The pain I felt was so deep. I couldn't just bare to see Amanda this way. Mama had to know about Amanda's condition and planned to come, but I said otherwise. It wouldn't be safe.

"Hey darling. It's me. Please wake up. Doc said you'll be fine. I know you will. I want to see your eyes and your smile again, Mandy." I said.

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. It was Bayo.

"I'm really sorry Joe. If I had been a good husband, this wouldn't have fucking happened." He said.

I just stared. I couldn't even reply him.

"Yes, we both were from different tribes. But still if I had been lenient with her about our problem of not conceiving, this would have never happened. At all." He said again, remorse in his voice.

"Bayo." I said and looked up at him. "You've actually lost a gem, if only you were patient enough. Besides, you both were fine, right?"

"Not really. The doctor just told me that I have prostate cancer. I never knew that I couldn't bear my own kids. I put all the blame on Amanda." He said tears welling up in his eyes.

"Bro, keep Amanda safe and well. Make her happy. Make sure she gets the happiness that she couldn't get at all from me. That's all I ask of you." He said again wiping the tears away.

"I'm so sorry, Bayo...."

"It's fine Bro. Everyone makes mistakes." He said and turned away. Walking slowly towards the door.

"I'm sorry Amanda." He said and left.

I was speechless. My grip on Amanda's hand tightened.

"Baby, please wake up..Please I beg you." I said and kissed her palm.

Thoughts of Bayo in my head.....


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