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Third person's POV

Amanda was tied to an iron bar after her clothes and bra was ripped off.
The huge man kept smiling at her as he eyed her lustfully.

"Let me go, please." She begged.
But she shook his head.

"I must enter you. Walahi." He said rubbing his huge manhood through his jeans.

"Help me! Somebody, help me!" She shouted on the top of her voice. He slapped her and she went crashing down to the floor.

He picked her up and brought out his manhood and brought it closer to her mouth.

"Oya suck it." He commanded.

"Please, no." She begged. He was too big. How could she even.....eww.

He didn't wait for her to beg. He forced her mouth open and slid in.

She was choking. Her eyes bulging. She was seeing stars around her head as he moved her head back and forth.

She threw up on him, making him pissed off.

"Ahh ahh. You no fit suck ni, see the way you come vomit for my body." He said and frowned. "Just wait."

He left and came back minutes later with a bucket of water and poured it all over her.

"Let me go, please."

He brought out something she didn't understand and he clipped it to her nipple.

He pressed a button and she shook vigorously, screaming out. It was sending electric signals..

He pressed the button again and again. Making her shout louder. She was shaking against the chair, screaming as she was getting shocked.

"You like it, na." He said and did it again.

Then he took the Plyer and put it around her nipple and twisted.

"Joe!!!!!!" She screamed out in pain.
"Please, let me go."
She was weak, and couldn't even move her lips.

She stared at her hands hanging from the bar. Her hands were getting bruised from the ropes.

The man moved her legs apart and stuck in a finger. Moving in and out furiously.

Some people are definitely not meant to be always  fortunate.

She cried out, fighting and moving her legs furiously.

"Bastard." She cried out as she kicked him in the face.

He grunted and only smiled.

"Just calm down. It's only a matter of time before I enter you." He said and she bowed her head in shame....


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