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I know it's been a while
Am sorry guys for not updating....
Certain things came up....


Joe offered to follow me down to Mama. I knew it was gonna be hard for me to face Mama. I decided to face it which ever way I could.

As Joe's car came to a halt in front of our compound, I sighed.

"She has disowned me. She told me she that I should never come back." I said.

"Mandy, it will be fine. I just want you to breathe slowly and relax." Joe said trying to soothe me.

"Okay." I said and we both stepped down from the car.

As we walked towards the house, I noticed a new change in the compound and then I realized.....

"Papa's grave." I muttered and ran towards it.

The red earth was moist because of the dew that had fallen.

"Papa, I am so sorry. I shouldn't have gone against you both." I cried and fell on my knees.

"Papa, I betrayed your trust and your teachings....I did things that I shouldn't have. Papa please forgive me." I said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I could recognize that touch anywhere.

"He forgave you before he died."

"Mama." I called and stood up to hug her. She opened her arms wide.

She hugged me and cried on my shoulder.
"I am so sorry, Mama." I said crying.

"Shh, stop crying now." She replied. "I know you made a wrong decision. But I've forgiven you, okay."

I sniffed and looked into her eyes. I had been a bad child really. I didn't lead a good example at all.

"Let's go in. Your siblings are waiting to see you." She said and pulled me in and smiled at Joe.

"Auntie." I heard and my siblings rant towards me. I opened my arms and hugged them tightly.

I saw my younger brother. The one following me. He sat down obviously angry with me.

"I am so sorry, Nkem." I said and he ran to hug me.

"You shouldn't have left us." He said crying.

"Forgive me." 

I looked at Joe who smiled and nodded his head.

"So, how is he?" Mama asked when we had settled down.

"I think he is fine. His wife is pregnant." I said.

"Hmm. You are not infertile my daughter. I know it. Don't worry. If you marry again....."

"Marry again?" I asked confused.

"Yes, my daughter. Marry again. You're still young. You have children to make." She said.


"Yes, Mandy. Mama is correct. You'll have to get married. You won't stay single forever." Joe said supporting Mama.

"Hmm" I said and nodded.


A great reunion.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.
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