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"You look so pretty ma'am." The lady said.

"Thank you dear." She replied.
She felt like a teenager, her heart beating wildly.

Things happened quite quickly. If not so....

She stood up and let her dress fall. Her face was covered with the veil and she was led outside.

She met with Bayo's father and she smiled.

"My dear, I know I wasn't a good father in-law to you. But I'd love to be your father. A good one." He said and She smiled.

They had all reconciled. Even though Bayo was in the operation room at that moment, they were still family.

Bayo's Father walked with her down the aisle as she got to her beloved. He stood, smiling at her as she approached him.

"You look beautiful." He said.

"Thank you."

"Take care of her." Bayo's Father said and left.

She stared at Joe for a while, before the proceedings took place.

The wedding was successful. With everyone celebrating and singing happily.

"I can die peacefully now." Mama said to her.

"No mama. You must see your grandchildren. You must." She replied.

"I know my dear Amanda. You will bear lots of children. I know for sure. You're a star my dear." She said and kissed her forehead.

"Remain blessed."

"Thanks Mama." She replied and hugged her tightly.

Joe sat in a corner and stared.

"Why are you sad huh?" She asked, sitting beside him.

"Aren't you going to stay with me?" He asked, smirking.

"I'm staying with you for the rest of my life." She said and chuckled. "You're a man. You shouldn't be jealous."

"Is that so?" He asked and pulled her closer.

"I don't know." She said and laughed out loud.

Attracting stares at them.

The words 'HAPPY MARRIED LIFE' glittered on the banner above them.

They were really going to be happy.

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