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Amanda's POV

I didn't expect that I and Dayo would get close. We chatted frequently and even moved our chats to WhatsApp.
We even talked on phone. He had a pretty nice voice.

I was in my final year in the University of Lagos. I was just rounding up. So Dayo decided that we meet.
We were both in the same city and I kinda agreed.

I was free on the day chosen. I wore a long black top and black trousers with    my sneakers to match. I wasn't a rich kid, I used what I had.

I obviously thought that Dayo was  gonna scam me and not make it. He said he would pick me at my school gate.

When will he get here, I questioned myself.
I heard a car horn and I turned.

With  little acquaintance, I was  able to recognize him.

He stepped out of the car.

"Hello Amanda." He said.

I stared for a while. He was more handsome than I expected.

"Hi, Dayo." I replied.

He chuckled.
"To start with, my name is Adebayo. So call me Bayo instead of Dayo."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Get in." He laughed and opened the door for me.

The car was cool when I got in. The AC was on and the car smelled nice.

"Shall we?" He asked and I nodded.

He took me to Mr Biggs' eatery.
We settled down and he smiled.

"Nice to meet you in person, Amanda." He said.

"My pleasure." I replied. "Um...Dayo..."

"Bayo." He corrected.

"Bayo," I said and smiled. "But why use Dayo?"

"You know Facebook ain't safe at times. Don't blame me." He grinned.

"Lol." I said and grinned too.

"What would you like to have?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said.

"You don't know? Okay, I know. Chocolate ice cream and some meat pie."

"O my God. You didn't forget that." I blushed.

"Of course. You love those a lot, especially chocolate cake." He added.

"Well well, I guess you remember things quite well." I said.

"Yes, I do. So I am definitely getting those." He said and went to the counter.

He came back later on and we talked for a while. I kept blushing like a little girl.

"So you stay alone?" He asked.

"I stay with a friend." I said.

"Okay, your parents?" He asked.

"They stay in Enugu. I am the first child, like I told you."

"Yeah, you said so. I could drop you off." He said and we got up.

"Thanks." I said and we went out of the eatery.

He drove me to my flat and I alighted.

"Today was fun. Thanks Dayo....sorry Bayo."

"You're welcome Mandy."

"That's a nice name you have me. Thanks." I said.

"So we'll see again soon?" He asked.

"Sure," I said and we hugged.
"Bye. Good night."

"Don't sleep yet oh. We go still chat." He said and entered the car.

"Yes Boss." I replied and he drove away.

I went into the room feeling excited.
I took a shower and felt relaxed.

He came online later and we chatted  till 2am.
I slept with a big smile on my face.

I hope this meeting wasn't too weird for you.

It wasn't for me though.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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I'll update as soon as I can.

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