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I don't know how it happened...I and Bayo got back. I didn't want to but I still loved Bayo very much. Things took turns...I and Bayo were going to get married without our parents consent.

I didn't know if it was the right thing. But I loved Bayo and would do anything to be with him.

Michelle gave me full support. She cane to my wedding. They were few people and we got married on a low key.

Saying those words 'I do', meant a lot to me. It felt so good. So nice. We signed the marriage certificate and we were officially married.

Bayo wasn't so popular, so the news didn't spread much. But damn it got to our families...

I walked into Bayo's house as his wife. He was grinning beside me.

"Welcome to your home my darling." He said and we embraced. He drew a line on my nose with his finger. Before I knew it, he scooped me into his arms and took me into his room.


I opened my eyes and smiled at Bayo. Last night was beautiful. Bayo was still fast asleep.
I started to rise and I felt Bayo pull me back to the bed.

"Ah, Bayo." I said and he smiled. He planted a kiss on my lips.

"Morning beautiful wife." He said and teased me by biting my lips.

"Crazy husband." I said and we both laughed. Then my phone rang.
I turned to get the phone, Bayo still hugging me. It was Michelle.

"Hello Mimi." I said.

"There's trouble." She said and I gasped. "Mama and everyone are upset. They want you to come home."

"Hmm." I said. "I will get back to you later." The call ended.

"What happened?" Bayo asked seeing my face change.

"We were called home. They want to see us." I said and he sighed.

"We'll go. We're a couple now." He said and I smiled.

"I have never been disappointed in my life, Amanda." Mama said.

Bayo's parents were sitting opposite I and Bayo. We were in Bayo's house.

"How could you get married without letting us know?" Bayo's father asked.

I and Bayo stared at each other. We kept mute.

"Don't you have mouths again?"
Mama walked up to Bayo and began to scream at him.

"You bewitched my daughter, you fool." Mama said.

"Don't you dare...." Bayo's mother said raising her finger. "Don't you dare insult my son. Its your daughter who bewitched my son."

"Its your son." Mama said.

"Isn't it obvious, your daughter wants to be married in a rich family. She wants money. Besides I can't let my son be with her. She's Igbo." Bayo's mother muttered.

"Keep quiet there." Mama said. "I know your son has gone in between my daughter's legs already. You people have no shame."

"Your daughter is a slut." Bayo's Father said.

"Shut up!!!!!" Bayo shouted. "Just shut the hell up."

I sobbed quietly as everyone kept quiet.

"This is our life. You have lived yours. Let us live ours." Bayo said and pulled me away.

"You'll still come back. You'll beg." Mama said after us.

Mama and Bayo's parents kept arguing. I slumped into Bayo's arms and sobbed loudly.

"Its going to be fine. It will."

Fire on the mountain oh....
Hmm it has gotten to this...

I hope you've enjoyed my recent updates. This is the last one for the day ..


Ella ❤

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