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Hey guys
Sorry for updating late dears....

I'll make it up huh...

This Chapter is dedicated to Qwinsabhee and JULee9902

Thanks guys 😚😚😚❤


Joe's POV

"Where's Amanda?" I asked a staff.

"I don't know where she is Sir. She's not been around for some days now."

"I've been trying her number but it's not connecting at all. I'll go to her house." I said finally.

"Okay Sir. Please bring her back. We miss her." She replied.

I smiled.
"I will bring her back." I said taking my car keys.

I drove down to her house. Her car was there. Still parked.
I went towards her door. It was open.

"Amanda." I called.
Her keys were on the floor, her bag and cell phone were on the floor also.

"Amanda! Where are you?" I asked again. Shouting louder.

Some words were scribbled on a piece of paper.

"Find your darling."

"She's been kidnapped. I need to inform the police." I said and ran out.

Amanda's POV

"Let me go." I cried out. "I have nothing to do with you."

"Shut up, bitch." One man struck at me.

Someone please find me, I said within me. Find me please.

Bayo's POV

It had been long I saw Amanda. Yes, she has moved on but still she's a friend, I guess.

Ever since Tola left for her Mom's, she hasn't even called. Maybe I should call her.

"Hello, Mami." I greeted.

"Okó mi. Bawó ni?"

"I'm fine ma. How are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm fine oh. How's Tola na?"

"Tola?" I asked surprised.

"Yes na. Tola, omo mi."

"Ahh mummy , she isn't there?" I asked again.

"No oh. She isn't oh. Any problem?" She asked.

"No, Ma. I'll get to you later, Ma." I ended the call.

If she didn't go to her mom's place, where did she go to? I asked myself.

An incoming call disturbed my thoughts.

"Hello Mr Bayo. I am Joe. A friend of Amanda's." He said. 


"Where's your wife?" He asked.

"I really don't know."

"I think she has a hand in Amanda's kidnapping." He said.

"What? Amanda? Kidnapped?"

"Yes. She was kidnapped two days ago. We need to talk in person please. Meet me at the address I'll send to you." He said and ended the call.

I was confused.
Tola? Kidnap Amanda?
Tola was capable of anything....
She was.....


I hope you enjoyed this chapter....

Please vote and comment dears 💝

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