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"There are trials and temptations."


*Some mature content*

Amanda's POV

I wasn't feeling so good. I was feeling so so wet and in need of sex.

But why? I wasn't like this.
Joe took me home. He was around me and I was happy.

Maybe I was just beginning to love him. He was caring and loving.

"Do you need anything?" He asked me.  I stared into space. I was so blank.

"Yes. I really need something." I said and stared. "I'm so hungry. I don't know why I need it."

It seemed like he understood me and he came towards me and cupped my cheeks.

"I understand you." He said and placed his lips on mine. A lot of feelings welled up in me. The pain in my abdomen heightened.

I held unto his shoulders for support. I was wet already.

I needed....I wanted.....

He took me into his arms and headed up the stairs and into my room. He put me down carefully.

"You want this?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied, my throat dry.

He pulled off my clothes and did the same to his.
Mouth twined, hands roaming, bodies touching.

I was feeling sparks....sparks in me.
His hands went up to my Breast and my head went back to the electrocution I had there.

"No." I cried out.

"Shh. Don't think, just feel." He said and sucked on me. I was tempted to feel everything....

He did things I couldn't imagine.
But yet I couldn't bare it.

He called my Name. Times without number. But I was beyond his reach. I couldn't feel anymore.

I couldn't see, I knew no more.


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