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I was rounding up my year in school, I and Bayo were very close now. 
Bayo was a rich guy but I wasn't interested in his money. I was interested in his friendship. I had never had a friend as close as he was.  We went out frequently, sometimes at his house, or at an eatery. We had been friends for close to six months.

Bayo bought me stuff, sometimes without my permission. I questioned him but he insisted saying that am a friend in need.

On this day, we scheduled our meeting at his house, I agreed. Since I was free.

I was reading a book when my phone rang. I had set a ring tone especially for him. Immediately it did I knew it was Bayo.

"Hello Mandy Manda." He shouted over the phone.

"Oooh. Bayo my ears." I said.

"Sorry. Am just so excited that you're coming over." He said.

"So what are you doing?"

"Cooking." He said.

I laughed out loud.

"You have a cook, Bayo." I said.

"Yes I do. But I want to show you that I  can cook." He said.

"Hahaha. Very funny Bayo. Let me dress up and come over. I hope you don't create a mess." I said.

"Am expecting you Manda." He said and ended the call.

I stood up and dressed in a black and white stripped overall and had a black purse with me. I had gone to the salon earlier, courtesy of Bayo.

I didn't really do much make up.

I took a cab and got to his house

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I took a cab and got to his house.
"Welcome ma'am." The gateman greeted. 
"Thank you." I replied.

"Hello." I called as I went into the house.
No one responded.

"Bayo." I called again and I looked around. The place was dark. I was really afraid of the dark and he knew it.

I stood for a while and the lights came on. I heaved a sigh.

"Did I frighten you Little kitten?" He said still wearing his apron.

I smiled. He looked so cute in the white apron which had a drawing of a crab on it.

"Mr Chef

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"Mr Chef." I said and chuckled.

He came closer and I gave him a peck.

"I have to go clean up. Be right back."
He said and  went up the stairs.

I went to the kitchen and saw what he prepared.

"Looks nice." I muttered.

He came down moments later.
"You like?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I am just noticing." He said and looked at me again. "You look cool, beautiful...."

"Thank you." I said quickly and he laughed lightly.

"So, ready to eat?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said. He led me to the dining table.

"Jollof rice, fried plantains and fried fish." He said proudly. "You must rate me."

"I will." I chuckled.

We ate for a while and I smiled.

"Really nice." I said and he grinned.

"Thank you."

He took a remote from the table and pressed a button. Soft music came from the sound system.

"Wanna dance?"

"I...don't really know how to..."

"Come on." He said and pulled me to my feet.

He held me and put one arm around my waist. I laid an arm on his shoulder while he held up the other.

He guided me through the steps while I kept grinning like a kitten. He came closer and I felt my heart skip a bit.
I thought he wanted to kiss me.

I took my face away and kept dancing.
He made me twirl and he pulled me to himself again. He brought his face closer and I stared at him, thinking his eyes was the most beautiful I had seen.
"Bayo..." I muttered and moved away.

"What?" He asked.

"I can't." I said and he came closer.

I moved backwards until my back hit the wall.

"Bayo." I gasped as he kissed me.
I didn't know how to describe what was going on. I opened my lips, letting his tongue slide in.
His hand cupped my face and I held his arm for support.

I lost my senses.

"Bayo." I said silently and pulled away.
"Thanks for the meal. I appreciate." I took my purse and turned to leave.

"Mandy." He called after me but I was already gone.

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