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When you start to see love as an obstacle, you need to break through it.


I know it was hard. Hard for me to realize that I was being betrayed by myself and my emotions. I was trying hard. To pretend that I was fine, but I wasn't. I really wasn't.

I watched Bayo bring in Tola into the house. I watched them laugh and mock me. I watched myself being ridiculed. It was too much to bear.

Tola never showed Bayo genuine feelings. She only wanted his money. She pretended to love him. Pretended to care. I had to believe that Bayo loved me. I had to force myself to believe that. But I guess it never worked.

I washed the dishes in the kitchen, one fateful evening, reminiscing of the recent events that had happened the last few months when I heard gunshots.

I shook with fear. I hardly ever heard gunshots in this estate and no news of robbers.

"Who ever is in this house, come down now."

The voice made me frightened the more.

Robbers? Here? How? I thought.

Why was this happening? 

I heard Tola scream and Bayo grunt in pain. Tola already had a protruding belly. I wondered what would....

I felt the touch of cold metal beside my head. I shivered and began to gasp.

"You heard when I asked everyone to come our right?" The masked figure asked.

I nodded, shivering as he took a look at me. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me outside and threw me to the cold tiled floor.

I groaned in pain as I felt myself slam onto the floor.

"Now, bring out all the money." Another said, cocking his gun.

"We...we don't have money here. I don't keep money at home. Ejó." Bayo said and hard steel slammed onto his head.

"Ahh Bayo. Give them money oh." Tola said and cried out. "Do you want us to die?"

"I swear, I have no money."

Two boys went upstairs into the rooms while the boss, so I thought sat on one of the cushions. He smiled at me and I hid my face.

"Who's this pretty lady?" I heard him ask.

"She's....she's my......"

"She's our...house help." Tola blurted.

"Ye...yes. She's....she's our house help." Bayo said and I gasped.

The guy came over to me and tapped me to turn.

"P....please don't harm me. Please." I begged with all the breath I had.

The two boys came down.

"No show boss."

"Okay na....."

"Oya spread your legs." He ordered.

"Please.....no. Please." I begged.

This wasn't happening. No it wasn't.

"Dapo." The boss called.

"Yes, Boss."

"Spread her legs."

I shook my head wriggling as my arms and legs were held captive.


I heard ripping, my clothes....

I wriggled again, crying out.

"Bayo, help me." I cried out as The first man slammed into me.

He grabbed my breasts and squeezed them roughly making me cry out in pain. He rode me faster, making me cry out. Tears dripping down my cheeks.

"Bayo, help me." It came more as a whisper.

It then dawned that Bayo never loved me...I was just used...used.

He was done, but then another came it...until all five boys raped me....Amanda.......


I feel broken...

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Expect the next chapter soon...


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