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Happy new month Lovelies...

I wish you a fulfilled month ahead.

Remain blessed ✨✨✨✨

Sorry for not updating sooner...


We're back to Amanda's POV ✨✨✨

"So sorry about that." Joe said and shook his head.

"The world can be very wicked you see. I really appreciate your help Joe. But I am not sure I can stay here." I replied.

"Please stay. You're welcome. Besides, I've been looking for someone that'll manage my workplace for me. I think I should give you a try, Amanda. I know its hard to trust again. But just trust me. I'll do what I can to help you." Joe said and I smiled.

"Thanks so much. I appreciate." I replied feeling happy.

Joe was so caring. Though I didn't really trust him completely but he did things that baffled me. He bought me a house. Bought me a car. I was too astonished.

Or maybe he was just trying to buy my conscience, I thought.

Work at the Palace Restaurant was unique. I relaxed my mind more and with things I loved doing. We made sure to do things for customers the way they liked it.

"So, I'll be leaving for the U.S"  Joe said one evening.

"U.S? But why?" I asked.

"I have a program to attend. I'll be back by next month." He said.

"Next month is far. I'll really miss your company." I said and frowned.

"Don't worry. We'll be talking. Mire than you think." He said and winked at me.

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"Tomorrow." He said and I gasped.

"You're such a bad friend, Joe." I said and frowned.

"I am sorry, Amanda. Bear with me, okay." He said and I hugged him.

"Safe trip. You'll tell me about that place oh." I said and we both laughed.

"Yes na." He replied.

I escorted him to the airport and he left, promising that he'll be back. I held onto that promise. He was a really good friend.

I enjoyed my work. The staff were friendly and obedient. I did my best to make sure I wasn't bossy. I made sure I was lenient and equal.


"Ma'am, there's an annoying woman insisting that she wants to see our manager. She's insulting our food and insulting me too." One of the female staff said.

"Why? Lead me there." I said and we both walked out of my office.

As we walked closer to the supposed table, it dawned that it was Bayo and Tola.

Calm down, be your best and pretend like you don't know them. You'll be fine, I said to myself.

"Good afternoon dear customers. What seems to be the problem?" I asked gently.

"Your food....Amanda?" Bayo called.

"What happened to the food? They were all tasted before being served. What's the problem?"

"So its you, who told them to serve us this rubbish?" Tola asked angrily.

"The food isn't rubbish. If you can't eat it, you can leave the restaurant." I said and beckoned on the waiter to leave.

"Leave ke? Why should we leave?"  Tola shouted at the top of her voice.

"Control yourself, Tola. This is my restaurant and you dance to my tunes. Its better you get out right now or I'll call the security on you." I said feigning anger.

"Tola let's leave." Bayo said and Tola frowned.

"Am not leaving until I teach her manners." Tola said and raised her hand to slap Amanda.

Bayo caught her hand mid air and slapped Tola in the face.

"Get out Tola!" He said and Tola scurried outside.

"I apologize for her behavior." Bayo said to me and left.

Did Bayo just apologize to me? I can't believe it, I thought as I saw him walk away.....


Tola is mad fa 😅

In my own restaurant, you wan slap me 😅😅😅😅😅

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Hit that star ✨ and anticipate for another update.


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