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"You both are perfectly fine." The doctor said.

"Then why can't I conceive, Doc?" I asked very worried. Bayo just stared.

"I really don't know. You're fine. I'd say you go spiritually Ma'am. You both are fine." He replied.

I and Bayo stood up and Bayo thanked him. We left the office.

We were silent all through the journey back home. It had been war after war with our families. I was so worried. I wasn't even adding weight at all.

Three years gone and I haven't conceived even once. What was wrong?

Bayo brought the car to a halt and stared blankly.

"Why did you stop?" I asked not knowing that we were home.

Bayo hissed loudly and alighted from the car. I felt so hurt.

"Bayo." I called but he didn't answer me. He walked away.

"Bayo." I said and held his hand. "Listen to me please."

"What should I listen to?" He asked furiously. "I hate you, Amanda."

"Bayo, please don't say that." I said already crying. "God will give us a child, Bayo."

Bayo removed my hand from his and walked away towards the stairs.

"Bayo." I ran to hug him and Bayo did the unbelievable. He pushed me down the stairs.

I tumbled down the stairs and eventually lost consciousness.


I woke up feeling dizzy. I was on the sofa and I saw Bayo beside me. I moved away immediately. I was afraid of him now.

"Amanda, I.." He tried to say.

"Don't touch me." I said crying again. "Don't touch me."

"Amanda," he said coming closer.

"Don't. You said you loved me Bayo. We went through a lot to get married...Now we can't have children and you hate me?" I cried.

"What do you expect from me? Our families mock us!" Bayo shouted.

"Is it my fault that I  can't conceive?" I asked. "You heard the doctor say that we're fine. Why?"

Bayo stood up and rubbed his hair.

"I am not ready for your sulking, Amanda." He said.

"Now I sulk, Bayo. I sulk?"

"Yes you sulk and you irritate me." Bayo blurted.

"Bayo!" I shouted.  I grabbed his arm.

"I irritate you now Bayo. Bayo what happened with 'for better for worse?'" I asked upset.

"Fake promises. Rubbish." He said and went up the stairs.

I was so downcast. I didn't know what else to do.  This was too much for me to bear. I couldn't turn to Mama, she'd mock me. Papa wouldn't do anything.

I was on my own to face my problems...

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