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Hey guys. Its me again.
I know I wasn't missed.
Here's another update.


I had to be on my own. If everyone was avoiding me then I wasn't wanted. Bayo was avoiding me. Having sleepless nights and rejecting me food.

I always cried myself every time, but it wasn't helping.

Come on girl, you can't keep crying over someone who has rejected you because you can't conceive. You can't kill yourself. If he doesn't want you, move on, I thought.

It was really obvious, Bayo avoided me for months. I decided to start my life over. Even though I'd still be stuck in the marriage with him.

I had to get a job. That was the first thing I needed to do. To keep my mind busy from these things.

I got a job as a secretary in a textile company. I was surprised that I was offered the job. I was to begin work the following Monday. I was excited and had to go to the market to get my clothing materials.

Bayo was never around so I never told him about my work. Since I was a plague in the William's family now, nobody wanted me.

Monday Morning.

I stepped into the office. I was excited to start my work life afresh. I got to my seat and relaxed a while.

"Miss Amanda." I heard. It was the MD. Oh yeah I am the secretary to the MD. Crazy huh?

"Yes Sir." I said standing up.

"I'll be having a visitor, an investor coming in today." He said.

"Oh, okay Sir." I muttered. He smiled and left.

I started getting paper work ready. Making sure I was accurate enough.

Then I heard footsteps but I didn't look up.

"I am here to see your MD." The voice said.

I'd recognize that voice anywhere, I thought.

I looked up and frowned.

"I'll phone him and inform you." I said not smiling.

"Amanda." He called but I picked up the phone and put a call across to my MD.

"Let him in." He said and I nodded.

"You can go in Sir." I said and Bayo walked into the office still dumbfounded.

The meeting lasted for a while and Bayo came out with the MD. Bayo smiled at me and walked away.

The MD called me into his office.

"Miss Amanda, you're a really intelligent woman. But I am afraid I'd have to let you off this job. My investor isn't happy seeing you and has requested that I sack you." He said.

"But...but Sir, please don't do this. I really need this job. Please." I begged almost on my knees.

"I am sorry Miss Amanda. You have to leave." He maintained and pressed his intercom.

Before I knew it, the security hurled me outside like I was some prostitute.
I wanted to curse Bayo. Bayo was so wicked. How could he do this?

I went back home. Didn't have an idea of what to do next. The door was locked.

"Musa." I called the gateman. "Why is the door locked?"

"Na Oga oh. Oga lock am and e tell me say make I no open am till he come back." Musa said.

I sat outside tears running down my cheeks. Bayo was making me feel frustrated. Why? Did I ever make a mistake of marrying him?

I was outside until late at night when Bayo returned. I checked my watch. It was past 11pm. I shook my head. I could only sob.

Bayo staggered towards me. He looked drunk. He fumbled with the keys in his hands and opened the door. I pushed through him and went inside.

Bayo grabbed my arm and pulled me towards himself.

"Bayo. Let go of me." I said.

"You look stunning wife." He said.

"Now you know I am your wife. After maltreating me." I blurted.

He came closer and I could perceive the stench of alcohol from his mouth. I moved away.

"You're my wife. You're mine." He said and forced his lips on mine.

I pushed him away and spat.

"I will not give myself to you Bayo. Not after all you've done to me." I said and he laughed.

"I haven't started anything yet." He said and swooped me in his arms.

"Bayo!" I screamed. "Let me go." I hit his back continuously.

"Keep quiet woman." He said and went into our bedroom and threw me on the bed.

Bayo smirked at me and pulled his shirt off.

"Bayo, please no." I said trying to run away and he grabbed me.

I hit him in the face but he was stronger even in his drunken state.
A slap landed on my face.

I screamed out. Bayo tore my dress and forced my legs open. He forced his lips on mine and bit my lip.

I cried out and he captured me, kissing me roughly. He held my arms firmly getting and he got a rope and tied me to the bed post.

"Bayo!" I cried out and he forced himself onto me.

I was being molested by the man I loved dearly........


Hey guys, this chapter's kinda long.

I hope you'll enjoy.

Please keep hiring that star and comment please.

Ella ❤

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