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The opening ceremony of the Academic Year 2021 - 2022 filled the massive stadium with freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors. Each and everyone in the room was giddy with the commencement of another year, or to some, the start of a new chapter in life.

Kayleigh sat towards the back of the stadium, next to her childhood best friend, Roisin, as they waited for the ceremony to start. To her, education was the key to success. She was a sophomore in one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Dr Cook University in Melbourne, and was only two years shy from graduating;  a step closer to her dreams.

Ever since she turned on the television and witnessed thousands of Filipino children, her ancestry on her father's side, she dreamed of becoming an advocate and a philanthropist. The large sum of money her family had, was an obvious indication of her blessings. But she was lucky she grew up living a more than comfortable life while the news made a profit off of children starving, unable to grasp something as simple as education; a child's necessity.

The audience applauded as Dr Hilary Cook-Smith, the great-granddaughter of the university's founder and the current Dean, walked to the centre of the stage, ready to deliver her annual welcome speech. She wore her usual navy below-the-knee pencil skirt, paired with her navy suit, white dress shirt and 3-inch black heels.

"Welcome everyone! I am happy to see you all here!" she smiled, waving at the audience that sat before her. "Now, let me just point out that this opening welcome will be different from those prior. It will be quite a lengthy speech. But please bear with me, as I go through the history of the school's founding, one hundred years ago."

Kayleigh listened intently as Dr Hilary reiterated the university's history.

"We are celebrating one hundred years of existence," she said, her smile never faltered. "Since its founding, the university has become one of the most sought-after by students all over the world, ranking high in almost all university rankings. We celebrate one hundred years of success, and this success is all due to your ancestors, and to you, the students."

The audience cheered.

"Because of this, we have partnered with universities all over the world, including but not limited to universities in Asia and in Europe, to provide you all with a high-quality education. I am happy to announce that we've recently partnered with Hangkuk National University in Seoul, South Korea."

The audience cheered once again.

"But, this partnership has given some, let's say, an opportunity. Hangkuk National University has given two sophomores of Dr Cook University an opportunity to become exchange students at the said university. Students will spend a year in Seoul, South Korea, in which food, housing, and basic necessities will be provided by us, and of course, Hangkuk," the audience ooh-ed and ah-ed as she continued. "Students will be chosen based on grades, overall performance, relevance to chosen major and their participation in extracurricular activities. Prior to this opening ceremony, the Board of Directors and I have chosen these two individuals. These two lucky individuals are none other than Kayleigh Iris Ramirez and Roisin Ann Gray."

Roisin screamed. Kayleigh shook. Kayleigh knew the looks she would get once they were dismissed. She wasn't popular among the students here and being given the rare opportunity to go to South Korea, a dream destination for most would further ruin her stand in this university.

She felt jealous stares pierce her soul. Both from her seniors and juniors.

"Kayleigh and Roisin, come to my office immediately after this. Again, everyone, welcome! We are currently negotiating with Hangkuk, to provide this amazing opportunity to more students! Have a great year, everyone!"

Dr Hilary exited the stage, leaving the crowd cheer as they were dismissed to their first class.

As she walked out of the stadium, she heard whispers from thousands of students, who probably hated her more than they already did. They've hated her for her righteousness, especially her family's stance as successful lawyers. And when they heard about her engagement with the handsome and smart jock Juan Carlos de la Cuesta, they hated her even more. And now, given the rare opportunity that was dreamed by many, she will once again be subject to hatred by her peers.

"Congrats, Kaye," someone said, back-hugging her, as she walked out of the stadium. "You deserve it."

Her peers scoffed at the display of affection.

"Thanks, Juan," she thanked, pulling away quickly.

"Do you want me to come with you to Dr Hilary's office?"

"No need. I can walk with Roisin. Thanks for the offer, though," she smiled, looking for Roisin among the crowd. "Can we uhh talk, later? I've something important to say."

"Sure. We can talk over lunch?"

"Yes, yes," Kayleigh nodded, spotting Roisin and tugged her arm away. "Let's go to Dr Hilary."

"Kayleigh, I heard you broke off your engagement with Juan. Is there any reason for your rebellion?" Miguel asked, breaking the ice at the dinner table.

Oh. Word got out fast.

"Juan, I'd like to talk to you about our engagement," she said trembling.

"Yes, yes. I understand you'd want to attain your degree. We can get married —"

"No, Juan. I want to call it off."

Kayleigh sighed. Better now than never.

"Dad, I don't love him," she started. "And I'm too young to get married. I haven't even gotten a degree yet."

"Yes... yes," her father said, taking a bite off his large portion of the filet mignon. "But you do realise you won't get married until after you graduate, right?"

"Yes, Dad, I do. But I have plans after I graduate," Kayleigh continued, losing her appetite.

"And what may they be?" her mother chipped in, glaring at her.

"I plan to become an International Human Rights Lawyer, and it takes years to become one..."

"Right," her mum said.

"But, I want to become a lawyer for the underprivileged."

"WHAT?!?" her parents snarled, unable to grasp Kayleigh's ridiculous decision.

"I'll be taking over the law firm once I become a lawyer, but I'd like to put my blessings into good use. I want to become the beacon of hope to the children of Tondo."

"Do you know what's at stake here? You've only ever been to the Philippines a few times! How will you survive there?" her father was livid.

"Yes, Dad. And I am sure of my decision. Once I graduate, I'll rethink my engagement with Juan. Meanwhile, while I start my sophomore year, I want to focus on my studies," Kayleigh stood up from the dinner table, wiping her mouth. "And yes, I'll try. I'm one adventurous girl. I hope you respect my decision."

"Baby girl..."

"Also, dad, mum, just in case you haven't heard of the good news, I was chosen to go to South Korea. I'll spend a year of my studies there. I hope you're happy for me. I don't think you'll be happy with my decision, but I do hope you respect it. I don't expect you to approve of my decision either and I will accept that," she held her tears back. "Either way, I love you both. I'll go upstairs, dad, mum. I have to prepare for next week's flight. Good night."


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