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it's one direction's anniversary and im a huge directioner! here's two updates for you loves! #10yearsofonedirection xx


During break time the next day, Kayleigh occupied their usual table at the cafeteria, the same one they had occupied the first time she met the J-Alpha a mere week ago, awaiting for He-Jin and Roisin. Now that the Mi-Rae girl found out that she would be replacing her, she became increasingly wary of her surroundings, looking left and right whenever anyone took a seat adjacent to their table.

"Hey, Kayleigh!" He-Jin greeted, taking a seat opposite her. "I'm sorry if I didn't call you yesterday. My phone broke and I was at the nurse's office."

Kayleigh immediately grew worried, "Oh no! What happened?"

"I'm okay! Don't worry! I just fell. I was out of class late, and I stumbled upon a rock and fell face-flat to the floor. Joseph got me checked at the nurse's so —"

"WHAT?!? JOSEPH?!? AS IN THE JOSEPH FROM THE J-ALPHA?!?" Roisin exclaimed excitedly, clapping her hands, as she took a seat next to He-Jin.

"Yeah, he carried me on the way there too," a slight blush crept to He-Jin's cheeks.

"Ooh, He-Jin. Are you not telling us something?" Kayleigh teased.

"Uhh... yeah. I mean, no. Sure. Yes. Okay," she stammered, pausing when the two looked utterly confused. "Fine. I have liked Joseph since last year."

Another blush crept to He-Jin's cheeks. This time, however, it grew increasingly red and she looked down at the floor the whole time. Her last sentence was barely audible, but thankfully, both Roisin and Kayleigh heard her cute little confession, eliciting a slight chuckle from the two.

"Guys! Shh," she hushed Roisin and Kayleigh who was now fangirling. "I don't want anyone to know."

"No one will! Only us! Pinky promise!" Roisin chuckled.

As the three continued to talk about He-Jin's feelings and sudden confession, a slim figure loomed above them, slamming its fists on their table. The excitement immediately died down as Kayleigh froze when she realised whose it was. She was not yet ready for a conversation. Eun-Kyo and Dan-Ah stood either side, mirroring each other's gestures, as they tried to radiate fear.

"Hi, Kayleigh! Nice to meet you! I'm Seo Mi-Rae. This is Kang Dan-Ah and Lee Eun-Kyo," she fake-smiled. "They're equally happy to meet you."

"Hi," Kayleigh simply remarked.

"I'm sure you know what's up," she fake-smiled again. Roisin and He-Jin froze in their seats.

"Not really. Can you elaborate please?"

Kayleigh looked around and saw that people started to look in their direction, their food was forgotten.

"Sure. I heard you're the J-Alpha's muse for their upcoming league opening," she twirled Kayleigh's hair, balling them in her fists. "Should be me, to be honest."

Kayleigh was terrified. "Oh. I haven't heard. They haven't consulted me yet. I'll probably decline."

"You should. It's my title," she claimed, finally taking a huge part of her hair into her fists. "And you have no right to take it."

She took the nearby bottle of water and spilt it all over Kayleigh, damping her hair and clothes. He-Jin and Roisin stood up in protest but was too late when she spilt a carton of milk on Kayleigh as well. Kayleigh, once again, was paralysed. She was genuinely scared of her, which made her unable to defend herself.

"I hate you. Why are you even here? The J-Alpha only talks to those they deem interesting, how can they even be interested in someone like you," she hissed.

"Because she does not spill drinks on anyone. Nor does she claim something she doesn't own. She's genuine, unlike you," Jacob said, towering behind Mi-Rae helping Kayleigh up from her seat. "This just proves Lucas' point. You're hard to work with, Mi-Rae. Let's go, Kayleigh."

Jacob hoisted Kayleigh's arm, forcing her to stand up and follow after him. He took her to one of the secluded areas of the school, never letting go of her arm. Mi-Rae, Eun-Kyo and Dan-Ah remained standing, jaws on the floor, unable to grasp the unexpected turn of events and Jacob's sudden outburst. Jacob smirked in return, as the people in the cafeteria looked in their direction and at Kayleigh, specifically. She turned her back to the public, holding Jacob's arm for physical and emotional support.

As soon as Jacob and Kayleigh were out of earshot, Kayleigh let her tears stream down her face, clinging onto Jacob and dampening his shirt all the while. Jacob looked like he was alright with it though, as he took Kayleigh into his arms caressing her hair.

"It's okay, Kayleigh. I'm here," he whispered, hugging her tightly.

"No," she simply said. "No."

"What do you mean?"

"This wouldn't have happened if neither of you met me. If you left me alone that one time in the cafeteria, if you did not take me out for dinner — this wouldn't have happened if you left me alone."

"Kayleigh..." he reached out for her when she unclasped herself from his embrace.

"No, Jacob."

"Yeah, to be honest, I agree with you," he gave in. "But this friendship wouldn't have happened either. I do not regret it, and I won't ever. To be honest, I came here to convince you. I made my way here the minute I found out she found out, but what I saw was beyond forgivable."

"Even if you did, Jacob, I wouldn't have agreed. I hope you understand my situation."

"I do. That's why I won't even try to change your mind," he smiled. "We'll find another one."

"Thank you, Jacob," she thanked Jacob. "I appreciate what you said. I'm thankful for you. Even if we only had that one dinner, I'm glad we became friends."

The two smiled at each other, as Jacob took a seat at the nearby bench. Kayleigh sat next to him, resting her head on his broad shoulders as her eyelids became heavier by the minute. The two sat together and basked in comfortable silence, neither Jacob nor Kayleigh wanted to break it. They looked at the sky, as birds swirled around the contours of each skyscraper overlooking the campus.

"I've never told you about Levi, have I?"

"Uh, no."

"I don't think I even told Roisin about it."

Her random outburst startled Jacob, but he went with it anyway. He guessed that Kayleigh would be at peace if she let out whatever it was she held in her heart, and maybe, her heart held Levi's name.

"Mhm," he mumbled. "I don't think I told you about the J-Alpha either."

"I don't think you've told anyone, anyway."

"Well, ready to be the first? Then you'll tell me your story with Levi?"

"Trading stories?"

"Sure. Why not? Maybe it'll help clear your mind."

"Well, can I go first? I feel like it'll be better if I do."

"Sure, by all means."

"Well, it was that one time I was in the Philippines for a short vacation..."


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