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here it goes! last chapter!


It was finally time for Kayleigh and Roisin to leave the country for good. Spending a year in South Korea, exploring the city, learning the language and falling in love all the while being accompanied by her best friend, Kayleigh felt incredibly lucky and blessed for everything. Now, as much as she did not want to, the year had come to an end, indicating that it was time for her and Roisin to go back to Australia — her true home. Noah decided to come with them, after proposing to Roisin and asking her to marry him, to introduce himself to Roisin's parents.

The five boys and He-Jin came with them to the airport, as well as Kayleigh's parents, as they were to fly to Australia together. It was a bittersweet goodbye, considering everything the boys, He-Jin, Roisin and Kayleigh had been through together and it was finally the end of the road, for now. 

"Kayleigh, don't forget what you promised me," Justin reminded, ruffling her hair. "I don't like you in that way anymore, because Luna and I are already dating, but I'll always be here for you. If this fucker breaks your heart, us five will be here to defend you."

Jacob agreed. "That's right. I'm also going to be available whenever you need me, Kayleigh. You too, Roisin. If Noah ends up nagging about some math problem, call me I'll ask him to shut up."

"Then I'll be calling you everyday, Jacob because he does it all the time." The whole group laughed at Roisin's remark. "But who's that model girlfriend of yours, Jacob? She's pretty!"

"Cara Zhao? Eh. She's Chinese-Australian like me. She's average," he shrugged.

"Are you two dating?" Levi chimed in.

"Uh, yes. We actually are. Um, only since last night." The group laughed and sneered at Jacob, urging him to spill the details of this girl who was apparently joining the runway with the likes of Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid at Paris Fashion Week. "Yes, she'll walk the runway. Yes, I'll ask her to get an autograph."

"Attention passengers. Hyun Airlines Flight HSK 855 to Melbourne Airport is now boarding."

The voice of the announcer interrupted the group's conversation, knowing that it was finally time to part. Before it was time to go, Joseph and Levi said a few words.

"Kayleigh, Roisin, I'm going to miss you two. Thank you for being a great friend to He-Jin," Joseph smiled, his shy eyes wandering at the seemingly interesting floor. "Call me whenever you need me. I'm always here."

"Me too. I know that we didn't kick off because of our past, but I'm really sorry about what happened. You're an amazing girl, Kayleigh. Thank you for everything." Levi turned to Roisin. "You too, Roisin. Thank you for your bubbly personality. If it wasn't for you, our dear boy Noah would still be cocky."

Lucas stepped forward. "Levi, stop being sappy. Is this what girl-deprivation has done to you? Anyway, stay safe you two. Safe flight. Love you, Kayleigh. Call me when you need me. Bye."

Kayleigh expected more from her boyfriend. That was it? Nothing else?

"Uh," she swallowed. "Bye, Lucas. Love you too."

As if on cue, Kayleigh's parents came to collect Roisin, Kayleigh and Noah from the group, urging them to the check-in desk. Kayleigh sighed, knowing that Lucas might not have anything else to say and waved at the group. She was going home. She wondered when she'd see them again.

HSK Flight 855. Her flight number. He'd specifically asked his father to use that number for her flight.  It was a special number, as it literally meant Kayleigh loves Lucas. Sappy and clichè, he knew, but it was only the first step to his massive plan.

Little did she know, while she was in first class, probably dozing off as she listened to her favourite One Direction songs, he was at the back of the cabin, with his friends and family, preparing his surprise for her.

His parents had agreed to the plan, deeming it as a romantic and even calling him a hopeless romantic because of it. The only people he needed to talk to were Kayleigh's parents; who seemed to have improved their relationship with him. When he called them two days prior, as he prepared the cabin she was to take for her flight back home, he was surprised that they agreed quickly, without hesitation whatsoever, saying that they were totally for his plan.

"You're too young, though?" her mother questioned through the phone. "Don't get me wrong, I like you for her, but don't you think it's too early?"

"Ma'am, regardless of age, I feel and I know that she is the one for me. I'm not going to let her go. We can plan everything else in a few years' time. Don't worry," he assured.

"Stop calling me Ma'am, Lucas. I'm your soon-to-be mother-in-law," she chuckled. "Then count us in. See you tomorrow."

Three hours into the fight, he watched her eat a salad with smoked salmon, as she watched her favourite movie, Titanic, again. A classic.

But as she squealed when she saw Jack Dawson, he knew that it was time to take her by surprise, gesturing to her parents that he was about to put his plan into place and then to the flight attendants so that they could start distributing the roses. He decided against peonies, as he knew that it was the flower Levi had given to her, according to what Jacob said last night with Levi confirming it himself, so he resorted to the classic flower. Perfect. The main character of the movie was Rose anyway.

One by one, eight flight attendants gave her a rose, with a letter attached to it that eventually spelt out I LOVE YOU. He looked at her confused state, the remaining first-class passengers looking at her as she gained their attention, her parents just smiling at one corner.

"What's going on?" she wondered. Cute.

It was his cue. He stepped out behind the curtains, giving her the last flower with a... diamond ring and a note attached to it. Roisin squealed, while Noah eyed his best friend. He knew as well.

"Hey. Well, hello again. It's nice seeing you here. I made sure you were comfortable. And the food was comfortable... er, I mean the chair. Of course, the food was supposed to be great too," he stammered, blushing. This was it. "I met you on the first day of school when you wandered around the open areas, eyes curious and knowing. Cliché as it may sound, I felt a sudden spark between us. And for some weird reason, I wanted to impress you. I wanted you to notice me. So I sent my two trusted boys to do the job, who, unfortunately, and fortunately failed, no matter which way you look at it. That was when I began to like you, for real. And then I continued denying that I did. Because I was scared. Scared to fall in love and scared to ruin you. But then I realised, why not try? Falling in love was a risk; it always had been. But for you, I was willing to take that big leap of faith. But then things happened, with my family and yours, and thanks to you, I was able to realise how lucky I am to have an amazing family that supported me. And I know that your family and I weren't on good terms and I admire your bravery. You stood up for us knowing the consequences it entailed. Yet you still did it. And I love you so much for that." He opened the box, revealing the diamond ring, kneeling down as he asked the question. "Will you marry me and let me love you forever?"

Kayleigh looked at her parents, who nodded and at Lucas' parents who also nodded. Her friends and his friends were there too. They all knew. How was she so clueless?

"Of course, I'll marry you," she said, her smile never wavering. "Of course, I'll marry you. You're the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with."

He slipped the ring on her finger, eyes sparkling, as he stood up, sharing a kiss, in the middle of a cheering and the howling crowd.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too. Always and forever. To infinity. To eternity. And to the constellations beyond that," he whispered. "I love you."


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