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warning: strong language


Lucas dropped Kayleigh at the school's dormitory, waving her goodbye and staring at the empty road ahead. He didn't speak at all, and Kayleigh understood why, knowing that the sudden turn of events that took place a few hours ago would be hard to digest. She fought against engaging in a conversation with him and decided that she should give him time.

"I'm sorry," she breathed. "I know you're shocked. I am too. I'll give you some time."

She left him in the car without so much of a goodbye as he drove off to Levi's house.

Lucas had just found out that Hans was his older brother. The only man who ever contested him, the only man who dared take over his position as the leader of the J-Alpha and the only man who believed in his own supremacy turned out to be his long-lost older brother. He had never anticipated hearing his mother's name come out of his father's mouth, let alone learn that he had an older brother. He grunted.

"Fuck," he cursed. "Fuck this life! Fucking shithole of a life! On my birthday of all the fucking time!"

His car rolled in front of Levi's house, stepping out of his car and closing the car door with a loud bang, grunting and cursing in frustration. Levi's securities were familiar with him, and they nodded as they watched him storm through the front door's vast porch. Lucas gestured to the securities, while one of them took the wheel of his car to park it in the garage. He banged on the door.

"Levi!" he scowled. "Levi! Fucking open up!"

Levi opened the door, drenched in water. He looked like he just came out of the shower, rushing to open the door for Lucas.

"Lucas? What are you doing here?" he muttered, drying his hair.

"Let me in. Call the rest of the boys. I have news," he stormed into Levi's house, sitting on the couch. "Hans is my brother."

Christopher contacted Georgina as soon as he heard of her through Jeremy. He emailed her, called her personal phone number and her office phone number and even texted her. Thankfully, she picked up on his third attempt, immediately opening their conversation with surprising news.

"Christopher?" she began. "Is this you?"

"Yes," he replied. His tone resonated firmness, though deep down, he was extremely nervous.

"Hans is your son," she said. "Meet me at Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul at Jung-gu tonight. We can talk about him getting a DNA test to confirm that you're his father."

That afternoon, Lucas came storming into his office, asking him to have dinner with him. He loved his son, he really did, but the fact that there had been another one... the other one he didn't want back in the day. He couldn't say no to Georgina. He hoped Lucas would understand. He sneaked away from his own house when he'd heard Lucas and Yohan talking with each other. The first time in years. He was about to walk in and tell them that he had found their mother. Not yet, he thought, barely restraining himself, the right time will come.

"Here's Hans' toothbrush. You can use it for the test," she murmured, once they were seated across each other at the restaurant. "I missed you. How are the two little boys?"

"They're not so little anymore," he corrected, taking the sealed bag from her. "They've grown a lot."

"Do... do they remember me?" she asked, looking down at the floor as a pang of guilt surged through her.

"No. Not at all," he said, pursing his lips as he watched her drink her red wine. "I missed you too."

Christopher grew restless. He made sure that he brushed his teeth extra well, then packing it in a ziplock bag tightly, before sending it to the DNA testing centre. When Lucas had told him that Kayleigh was having dinner with them the same night the results would come out, he wanted to suppress the news but the mention of their mother had pushed him to reveal the truth unprecedentedly, taking them — and him — by surprise, as he was a man who abided plans.

It was 99.9% positive. He was the biological father of Hans Oliver Choi, who would now take the name — his name — Hyun, the older brother of Lucas John Hyun and Yohan Theo Hyun. He expected Lucas' reaction. He expected all the insults and disrespect because somehow he couldn't help but think that he deserved all of it, for hiding the true identity of their mum for a long time.

What he hadn't expected though, was the doorbell ringing, a mere five minutes after Lucas had left to Levi's house. He thought it was Lucas, and expected him to apologise and tell him he was sorry for what he said, but it was highly unlikely, as he'd seen how beastly he turned, his hatred for him the only thing evident in his eyes.

Yohan touched the doorknob. "Hello?"

"I'm Hans. My mum and I are here," he introduced, voice muffled through the wooden door.

Yohan open the door, as he stared at the pair in shock. "Eomma?" he breathed, fighting through tears.

"My son," Georgina cried. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love you. I love you."

Hans started crying seeing his mother fall in love with her little boy once again. "I'm your big brother. Nice to meet you, Chang-Gyun."

"Hyung..." he cried, forcing him into a hug. "I prefer to be called Yohan, though, Hyung." He welcomed the pair in, gesturing to his father. "Hyung, Eomma, this is Dad. I'm sure you know."

Hans turned to Christopher, whose eyes were swollen with crying. "Abeoji..."

The four family members hugged each other, crying as they did so. All four muttered apologies and admiration for each other, their mother slightly on her tippy toes as she was the shortest one, soaking their shirts nonetheless.

"Christopher, I'm sorry," she apologised to her old lover. "I love you. You're the only one I ever did."

"Me too. I'm sorry. I never thought of what I said. I love you. I loved our child. I'm sorry. I was irrational."

Once again, sobs echoed in the empty living room, as the moon rose up to the dark sky. The only sound that countered them was the burning of the firewood from the fireplace.

"Wh-where's Chang-Min? Lucas? Is he upstairs?" Georgina muttered.

"He's at his friend's house. He found out today. He was surprised, so he had to leave."

"Oh. I thought I could at least greet him today..."

"I'm sorry. He'll come back. Don't worry."


The once-estranged family sat on the couch, sobbing and crying, as the fire flickered, illuminating the room. The fire provided warmth, yet the only warmth that radiated in the room was the family's reunion, after seventeen years.


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