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warning: strong language and mentions of abortion.


When the J-Alpha was complete at Levi's house, Lucas was delirious. He stared up at the ceiling, muttering words that only he understood while his eyes were swollen with tears. Levi walked up to Lucas, offering him a glass of water, and Lucas chugged it down within seconds.

"Fuck this life," Lucas cursed, tugging at his hair in frustration. He looked at the rest of that he boys. His eyes were blood-shot red. "Hans... Hans is my brother..."

All the boys looked at each other simultaneously, debating whether or not they should greet Lucas on his birthday but eventually decided against it. Jacob and Justin knelt beside Lucas. "Lucas..." Jacob cleared his throat. "We're here if you need to talk. We'll wait until you're ready to talk."

"No... no... stay with me. I need you... All of you..." he cried, breathing heavily. "Hans is my older brother. My father talked about — fuck."

"What?" Justin asked softly, caressing his arm.

"My father said he'd asked her to abort the child when they... twenty-five years ago. Dad... he never knew... my mum is Georgina. She migrated to the United States, gave birth there and had Hans. Hans is my older brother. Mum came back here... had me and Yohan," Lucas croaked, drinking the whiskey Levi had given him. His throat burned, his eyes were bloodshot red. But his appearance and discomfort was the last of his worries. "Then... she went back to the US and never came back. Georgina is my mum."

"Wh...What? Lucas..." Joseph sighed, allowing Lucas to fall and slump on his shoulder as Lucas continued to weep. "I'm happy for you for finally finding your mum... but to find out that Hans is your brother? That's... a huge turn of events."

Noah crouched down as well, drinking the whiskey left on the glass. "What do you plan on doing now?"

"I'm staying here. I'm not going home. Not even going to school. Don't wanna see my shithole of a brother. Y'all free to leave. You don't have to stay with me tonight."

The boys knew Lucas more than he thought they did. They all sat down beside him, carrying pillows and blankets from Levi's room as the six settled beside Lucas, sharing his sorrow.

"Hey! Hans!" Kayleigh called out, catching her breath when Hans turned to her direction.

"Woah, Kayleigh! Hey! What's up?" Hans smiled.

With Lucas' absence and the news outlets spreading the news about the Hyun family reunion like wildfire in less than twenty-four hours, the campus grew chaotic once again, pointing at Hans as he passed the hallways, perhaps deliberating whether or not he was worthy of being a Hyun — or, at least, bore a similar resemblance to the brothers. Kayleigh looked properly into his eyes for the first time, sincerity oozed as she did so. She noticed the stark similarity between the two. His eyes were a lot like Lucas', she thought.

"Uh, hi. We haven't properly spoken," she waved her hand coyly.

"Right. Hi!" he waved back. "I'm Hans. I guess, your my brother's girlfriend."

"I'm... uh, I don't know you, and I only know you from the J-Alpha — well, the OT6, I mean. But... Uhm, I'd just like to say that Lucas... well, he has anger issues and his anger has the tendency to bring out the worst in him — I've experienced this myself so take it from experience — and I know that this news might bring out that anger again," she stammered. "So as his girlfriend, and being the older brother, please be considerate of him. He'd grown up deprived of his mother's love, and he'd found out his real mother and the fact that he had an older brother on the same day, so it's probably a lot for him to take in. Please try to be considerate of him."

"Of course. I understand. I knew I had two younger brothers and a father, it must be a lot to take in for him. I'd be considerate of him, knowing that his first impression of me was, well, not the best."

"Thank you. I want you both to be really close."

"Where's he, by the way? And the rest of the boys?" Hans asked.

"He said he'll be at Levi's. I'm guessing he probably slept in and called the rest over. Also purposely not attended school to not see you today," she explained. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. Anyway, I have to go, Kayleigh. I'll see you around."

"You too."

As the two waved goodbye to each other, with Kayleigh walking to pick up Roisin and He-Jin from their classes, her phone buzzed in her pocket.

"Hello? Lucas?" she answered the phone. "How are you?"

"Love... I'm okay," he whispered. "All the boys are here with me at Levi's. Have you... are you alright?"

"Yes. I am," she affirmed. "I'm going to see Roisin and He-Jin now. What about you?"

"I'm fine. The boys are with me. Have you... have you seen, Hans — er, Hyung? Fuck," he cursed. "Gotta get fucking used to it."

"Baby steps, Lucas. You'll get there," she smiled throught the phone. "Yeah. I've spoken to him. Do you want to say anything?"

"Nothing much. Yohan texted me last night saying Hyung and Eomma moved in. I just wanted to know if he's doing alright."

"He's doing alright. I'm more concerned about you, Lucas."

"Don't worry about me. The boys are here with me. You have nothing to worry about."

"Are... are you coming to school anytime soon?"

"I doubt. I need time to digest."


Roisin and He-Jin rushed towards her, draping their arms on either side of her. "Kayleigh!" they both screamed.

"Well, that's my cue. Goodbye love. I love you. Stay safe!" she bid goodbye.

"Bye, love. I love you too," he ended the call.

Kayleigh turned to Roisin. "Kayleigh, I heard what happened. Noah told me. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah. Well, Lucas is throwing a fit at Levi's house, but otherwise, it's fine. Lucas found out that Georgina Choi is his mother and well, Hans is his brother," Kayleigh expressed.

"Wow... what a sudden turn of events. Does he plan to come back to school anytime soon? Our end of year exams are coming soon and he has to complete his requirements, you know," He-Jin wondered, taking a bite off her granola bar.

"I'm not sure but the school should understand his situation," she sighed. "I'm more concerned of the way he'll act after this, to be perfectly honest. We all know Lucas, he's pretty much closed off to his five best friends, and allowing even a new member to the group is a big no-no. What more a whole family? He is already cold towards Yohan, imagine Hans." The two nodded their heads. "Anyway, we'll see what happens. We can go to Levi's after classes. What do you say?"

"Perfect!" the two said in unison, as they walked to the cafeteria.


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