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warning: strong language


After Lucas' sudden and unexpected outburst, the commentator decided to conclude the opening ceremony, ending it abruptly. Good thing though, Lucas' upheaval came after the announcement of the awardees; the only thing needed to take place was the boring closing speeches of the organisers and whatnot. When Lucas flung the door wide open, everyone took the opportunity to leave as well, in a not so orderly fashion.

Levi grabbed Kayleigh by the wrist. Tugging her, Levi and Kayleigh blended in with the bustling crowd, exiting the almost-empty arena. He took her to one of the isolated areas around the Arena; it looked like the garage, considering the mounds of trash piling up on one side of the place. She shuddered. The last time she was in a similar place she had been on the brink of harassment. The only difference was she knew who this man was.

"Levi," Kayleigh breathed. "Why did you take me here?"

Levi smirked. "What do you think?"

"Levi... I don't know what you are talking about..."

"You do, Kayleigh! Do you think you can walk in and fuck up our friendship?!? Sorry, but no. We are stronger than that."

"Levi, what are you talking about? If it was about Lucas' outburst, I did not cause that. And breaking your friendship apart? That is and will never be my intention!"

"Not your intention?" he screamed. "How the fuck can you be that stupid? Ever since you graced us with your fucking presence we have been divided. All we've done was fight over who gets to win your heart!"

"What?" Kayleigh asked, astonished.

"Yes! It was all a game, Kayleigh! How can you be a dumbfuck?" he cursed, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Well, maybe not so, because that Justin guy seemed to have gotten caught in your little mind games."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Oh fuck, drop that little cutesy act of yours!" Levi grunted, now staring into Kayleigh's hazel eyes, something he had not done since their last playtime at the playground. "Jacob was initially sent to convince you to become our muse. When you two got along, Jacob defended you from all the shit Lucas said about you, which made us — not only him, mind you — suspicious of his feelings for you."

Kayleigh kept mum, unable to fathom the truth that was spilling from Levi's mouth.

"Justin was sent by Lucas to find out Jacob's real feelings for you, and also to help Jacob convince you, but have you seen the way he looked at you today? The man was fucking drooling over you! So I'm convinced that Justin is in love with you."

Kayleigh took a deep breath. "Why are you telling me this?"

Levi paced back and forth. "Because I want you to leave us the fuck alone. Now, Jacob has threatened to leave the J-Alpha because of you! OF YOU!" he emphasised, pointing his fingers as he blamed her for their imminent disbandment. "If we collapse, I don't know... it would be shit yeah! But it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you."


"Stop it! Stop running your mouth with my name. I fucking hate it."

Kayleigh was sobbing heavily, mascara running down her face, upon finding out the truth behind Jacob and Justin's advancements. "But... Lucas' outburst... it-it wasn't my fault right?" It came out almost like a question as if she was asking for validation that she was not the cause of all this.

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