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warning: strong language.


Weeks later, Kayleigh was sure that Justin was avoiding her. She did not memorise his timetable, but she remembered his classes every now and then, and whenever she passed them, he was either not there or too busy. She gave up, promising to herself that she would explain everything once his head was clear.

A month later, Justin still ignoring her in every way possible, the tension between the members of the J-Alpha cooled, no longer as rampant as it had been before. It was noticeable that all six of them were communicating with each other, either by greeting each other in the hallway or having lunch together.

The new student, Hans, continued to rise in popularity. He captured more than just the girls' hearts (he captured the professors' too) hence earning him the title Campus Heartthrob, in contrast to the J-Alpha's Campus Kings. He was the prime example of a student; studious, hardworking, and unafraid to speak his thoughts whenever needed, making him the new captain of the Soccer Team and the President of the Student Council.

Once when she was fifth-wheeling the two couples, Noah asked her to sit closer, forming a small circle between the five of them. She grew increasingly worried since Noah had never done that before, usually keeping a safe distance from her, as he and Roisin ate together.

"I've something to say," Noah began, looking down at the grass as he sighed. "Joseph, Levi and I are no longer part of the J-Alpha."

"What?" Roisin gasped.

"Yeah, well, that's true," Joseph agreed. "Levi's joining us from now on, that is if, you're fine with that, Kayleigh?"

Kayleigh hummed in agreement, as Levi sat down next to Noah, opposite Kayleigh. "Hi," he grumbled.

"What happened? I thought you'd stay?" Kayleigh asked, ignoring Levi.

"Well, the new Campus King, mind the sarcasm, decided to join the J-Alpha, and we accepted since we were short of three members and no one seemed to be qualified enough to be a part of it," Noah explained. "So we accepted him. At first, he was a good member, participating in every social night we go to. He knew basic basketball, and that kind of helped us in choosing him as well, as skills can be trained. But slowly, he grew bossy, acting as if he was the leader and well, the founder, when in reality, it's supposed to be us right, the remaining OG three? He chose applicants who praised him, filling up the two free positions and even more. He said six is too little. Jeong-Gwon's Ghostriders has disbanded and guess what? They all joined the fake J-Alpha."

"Oh no!" He-Jin's eyes grew wide. "What are you guys going to do now?"

"Well, we told Lucas, Justin and Jacob. They know all about it. They know we quit. Other than that, I don't know. Joseph, Levi and I are still friends — don't know about the other three — but, we're formally not in a group now," Noah explained.

The new J-Alpha walked on the soccer field, shooing everyone away as they prepared for a game. Hans, seemingly the new leader, stood tall and confident, as he took the position of the goalkeeper. The new eight, no longer the six, including Jeong-Gwon, looked like rip-offs, wearing expensive suits and leather jackets that were either too large or too small for them.

"See how they copy our fashion too? They changed J-Alpha's favourite sport from basketball to football. Not sure how that's possible, but okay," Noah retorted.

They were a sore-eye at soccer. The only person who actually knew how to play was Hans. Otherwise, none seemed to have known how to play. Heck, no one even knew how to kick the ball.

"Let's not watch. I bet the school will do poorly this year, in terms of soccer," Levi surmised, standing up as they all made their way to the cafeteria.

After a few weeks, everyone seemed to have been wary of the new J-Alpha. Rather than screaming upon sensing their presence, everyone ran away, hiding as they avoided them. Lucas, albeit being alone, as he was the only one who had not made friends with Justin, Jacob, Levi and Joseph, did the opposite. Before class, at around nine a.m, he waited patiently for the new gang, tapping his foot as the clock ticked, ready to end this once and for all.

"Look, who's here. Are you enjoying your fall?" Jeong-Gwon mused, intimidating Lucas.

Lucas clenched his jaw, crossing his arms over his chest. "I actually am. Thank you for that. Girls are no longer running after me, or us," he responded, sarcastically. Lucas turned to the taller Hans, the new leader. "How's our new leader? Are you enjoying bossing people around?"

Hans bursted out laughing before he stopped immediately. "Me? Bossing people around? As far as I know, you bossed your gang around when this exchange student came, causing your so-called J-Alpha to disband. Am I right?"

Lucas hummed. "I guess you could say that. But at least, we still had girls screaming after us, carried the name of the school successfully during basketball tournaments both domestically and internationally, propelling us to fame all over Asia. Unlike you rip-offs. What about you?" he murmured. "I bet you're only known because you bear our name. Actually, I should call my lawyer, as far as I know using our name is illegal, especially without consent."

Hans clenched his jaw, bringing his fists in front of Lucas' face, ready to punch him. Lucas blocked. "What's wrong? Triggered because it's the truth?" Hans fought with Lucas' palm but to no avail. The rest of the gang stood behind Hans, growing nervous. They were aware of what Lucas could do. "I'll give you time to speak."

"Not at all. Thank goodness I took over, at least I could maintain law and order among the school, and this gang," Hans replied.

Lucas laughed. "Whatever you say, sir," Lucas laughed again. "I pity you, actually. More than myself. You're leeching off of our popularity, by using our name that I originally came up with. Do you know why we're called the J-Alpha?"


"Because our names all start with J, Hans. But more than that, we're the Alpha male of the pack; we're leaders and we are role models, guiding people to the right path. We're not just a gang," Lucas smirked, seeing Hans' eyes fall to the ground. "As I said, I pity you. I see that the new J-Alpha is going nowhere. You can't even play soccer, for fuck's sake, you're going to be a laughing stock."

"Wouldn't that be bad for your reputation? Not ours?"

Lucas smirked, turning his back, releasing his tight grip on Hans' wrist. "No. Because you are bearing our name. Besides, the whole of Asia, and I can safely say the world, actually, know the real ones. They know we don't play soccer. We only play basketball. And each of us have individual strengths and talents on and off the court, a brotherhood that can withstand anything and most of all, trust. Your gang will never have that. That's what makes us the J-Alpha," he said.

Lucas looked at the crestfallen Hans, walking away as he saw his friends smile from a distance, knowing that they had heard everything he said.


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