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i guess i owe yall an explanation.

i know i spammed. i know i unpublished. not because i didnt want my story to be up here anymore, but because there was a breach.

my book was posted illegally on another website, without my consent. to protect MY RIGHTS as an author, i had to take it down.

apologies for the inconvenience.


"Kayleigh," Lucas called when he saw her rummaging through her locker. "I need to tell you something."

Kayleigh turned her head when she heard Lucas call out to her, still struggling to find her notebook. "Hey, Lucas, what is it?"

"What are you looking for?" Lucas puzzled, crossing his eyebrows in confusion, as he helped Kayleigh by grabbing her bag.

"My notebook... I doubt I left it in the dorms, but I can't find it," Kayleigh groaned. "What is it you want to tell me?"

Lucas held Kayleigh's bag, hanging it over his shoulder, as Kayleigh handed him stacks of notebooks, digging deeper and deeper into her locker. "You see, it's my birthday tomorrow, and I'd love it if you come home with me. I want to formally introduce you to my father and brother."

Kayleigh was about to ask him about his mother but mercifully held her tongue back, knowing that it would be a sensitive topic to talk about. She then returned her focus to looking for her missing notebook, sliding her hands into and out of the little nooks of her locker, but to no avail. Little did she know, Lucas noticed how her eyes lowered to the ground in hesitation, knowing the question she was about to ask.

He cleared his throat. "My Mum left us when I was five years old and my brother was barely a month old. I do not know where she is right now."

"I'm sorry," she apologised, eyes apologetic. "I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay, love. You ought to know one way or another," he acquiesced. "So, are you coming? We can have dinner."

"I'd love to! I guess I can't find my notebook. Do you have extra?"

"Yes," he rummaged through his bag. "Here. You can have it."

"Thank you!"

The two heard the bell rang, as students rushed to make it in time to their classes, while Kayleigh grabbed her bag from Lucas, running to her next lecture. Lucas smiled and then air punched; he was dead serious about this girl.

"Hans," his mother said gruffly, heels clicking on the marbled floor of their newly-bought mansion. "I heard what you've been doing at school these past months. Were you doing the same as you did back when we were in Los Angeles?"

"Mum," Hans followed after her, moaning like a little child. "I didn't do anything as bad as I did back then."

"You joined a gang, Hans. What's worse, you're the leader. Remember when you did the same back then?  I do not want you falling into that dark pit again," Georgina ran her fingers on her son's muscled shoulder blades, hugging him. "Not again, Hans."

"Mum, I haven't done anything yet—"


"But, I promised you I'd be better when we come back here. I'd forget Dad — if Alexander was even my Dad — and I'd change. I promise," he raised his hand, as he reiterated his promise. And then he took a deep sigh. Georgina raised her eyebrows as he began to speak. "Mum, do you know someone by the name of Lucas Hyun?"

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